15 events this weekend – including the Madison Street Festival

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Among the many events this weekend in the Huntsville area is the 40th Madison Street Festival. (Madison Street Festival via Facebook)

Hey Huntsvillians, let’s start thinking about the weekend (if you have not already) and look at what all is happening in and around the Rocket City over the next few days.

There are plenty of events this weekend, with great live music in the area as Huntsville Music Month comes to a close, and of course there are fall activities going on in the area as well. Here’s a sample of what’s on the calendar this weekend:

Live Music

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Check out The Band CAMINO at Mars Music Hall this weekend. (The Band CAMINO via Facebook)

Whether you are in for a music festival (we have those), an indie rock show (have that too) or a free concert outside (yep) you will find a full slate of live music in the Huntsville area this weekend:

  • Concerts on the Dock w/Roberta Silva and Keith Taylor, Josh Couts: Sept. 30, Lowe Mill ARTS & Entertainment, 6PM. The concert begins at 6:00 p.m., just as the sun is setting under the water tower. The bands play until 9:00 p.m.
  • Beasley Brothers: Sept. 30, Stovehouse, 7PM. Comesee  the Beasley Brothers on the lawn from 7PM – 10PM. This event is for all ages and free to attend!
  • The Band CAMINO: Sept. 30, Mars Music Hall, 7PM. Tennessee-based indie rock band The Band CAMINO comes to Huntsville! Check this out!
  • Alabama Big Earl: Oct. 1, Furniture Factory, 7PM. Alabama Big Earl makes his way to Furniture Factory Patio Stage with Special guest host Clay Coleman aka Freak Daddy.
  • 2nd Annual Good Music & Arts Festival: Oct. 2, Big Spring Park, 3PM. Enjoy a family-friendly event including nonprofits and vendors that celebrate uplifting, positive, inspirational music, creative expressions in spoken word, dance, art, food and more.

Festivals, Markets, Arts

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The Madison Street Festival is one of the events this weekend we don’t want to miss! (Madison Street Festival via Facebook)

Among the events this weekend in the Huntsville area is the 40th Madison Street Festival, which is going to be a blast! But thats not all that’s happening this weekend. Check out these events:

  • Madison Street Festival: Oct. 1, Downtown Madison, 9AM. Enjoy arts and crafts, exhibits, demonstrations, entertainment, a variety of food vendors, a community parade, information vendors, a children’s tent with lots of activities and free inflatables, and much more!
  • The Flip Sports Card & Collectibles Trade Show: Oct. 1, Von Braun Center, 10AM – 5PM. This is a trade show and marketplace for collectors to come buy, sell and trade sports cards, TCGs, autographs, Funkopops, memorabilia, video games, coins, UFC, comics, jerseys + other various collectibles.
  • Pumpkin Patch at the Camp: Oct. 1, The Camp at MidCity, 9AM. Find your pumpkins, mums and fall decor at Pumpkin Patch at the Camp!
  • Rocket City Toy & Comic Expo: Oct. 1: Jaycee Community Building, 9AM. Comic book fans, come on out! this is a great event for comic and toy enthusiasts!
  • 2022 Alabama Honey Festival: Oct. 2, Artisan Cove, 1PM. The 4th Annual Alabama Honey Festival is at Artisans Cove from 1-5. Educators, Beekeepers and Vendors will be there to show off their skills and knowledge!

Sports & Fitness

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College sports abound this weekend in the Huntsville area, as Alabama A&M celebrates Homecoming, and UAH has a home soccer game this weekend as well. Check these sporting events out:

Want more info and updates on what’s happening in and around Huntsville? Follow Hville Blast on FacebookTikTok and Instagram, and be sure to subscribe to our newsletter.

Michael Seale
Michael Seale
Articles: 1592