3 easy + fun ways to treat your dog for National Pet Day on April 11

Reading time: 2 minutes

Teddy in Hollywood Feed
It’s time to show Fido some love. (Lacey Spear / Hville Blast)

Huntsville is one of the most dog-friendly cities I know. With so many fun pet activities around, it can be hard to choose how to celebrate National Pet Day with your furry friend.

Luckily, I’ve broken the process down into three easy steps below. Plus, I tried these activities out on my Pyredoodle, Teddy, so they’re 100% dog-approved.

1. Head to the dog park

Teddy at the dog park
Scheduling some unleashed time is one of the best ways to treat your dog for National Pet Day. (Lacey Spear / Hville Blast)

Teddy and I started off the celebration at Dog Spot Park. He loves the large dog area because he has plenty of room to play.

Here are some other great Huntsville dog parks:

2. Grab a pup cup

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National Pet Day is not complete without a delicious pup cup. (Lacey Spear / Hville Blast)

I could not celebrate National Pet Day without grabbing a pup cup from Piper Leaf + Tea Company. Their pup cup features whipped cream with a strawberry topping and is the ultimate way to treat your dog.

You can also grab a pup cup from Starbucks, and Southerland Sno Depot even has a pup snow cone.

Teddy in Piper Leaf and Tea company—treat your dog
Teddy loved the friendly staff at Piper Leaf + Tea Company. (Lacey Spear / Hville Blast)

3. Visit a pet store

Teddy with another dog
It was a blast playing with the other pups at Hollywood Feed—a great place to treat your dog. (Lacey Spear / Hville Blast)

After Teddy exercised and got a pup cup, we rounded up our celebration at Hollywood Feed. I got him a beef lung, and he devoured it!

Here are some other great Huntsville pet stores:

Check out our other guides to treat your dog:

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Lacey Muenstermann
Lacey Muenstermann
Articles: 351