3 ways to level up your Huntsville career while being super busy

Reading time: 4 minutes


Student at Tous les Jours in MidCity in Huntsville
Studying at Tours Les Jours in MidCity? Count me in! (Lacey Muenstermann / Hville Blast)

If your day-to-day looks like mine, you’re speeding through your 8-5, racing to finish up your ongoing projects.

After work, you’re hanging out with friends at Yellowhammer or Gold Sprint, grabbing dinner at Jack Brown’s or The Standard and then jetting home to knock out some chores and catch up on sleep.

Between life and work, it’s hard to imagine how you’d ever fit in going back to school to move up in your Huntsville career. Luckily, we talked to a local expert and rounded up three key tips for you. Read on for all the details.

ASKING HUNTSVILLE: What do you do for work + how busy are you?

(Ben Johnson / Hville Blast)

1. Continue your education in a flexible format

Student studying at MidCity near Blue Oak BBQ
Nothing beats getting to study from anywhere—whether that’s at your favorite Huntsville coffee shop or at home. (Lacey Muenstermann / Hville Blast)

Huntsville is the most educated city in the state, so finishing up your undergraduate degree is the first key step to increasing your earning potential.

However, working full-time and finishing a degree is no joke. That’s why we set out to find a local solution that was flexible and affordable to do both.

The University of North Alabama’s Online BBA Flex Program proved to be just that, and Assistant Professor Dr. Sherrill helped us understand the degree better.

“We offer a lot of flexibility for students with different workloads and family responsibilities. Because we’ve had virtual programs for a while, our professors are very well-trained in teaching online.

Plus, we offer online office hours where students can meet with us.”

Dr. Lindsey Sherrill, Assistant Professor of Business Communication, UNA

Here’s what that flexibility looks like:

  • Format: The Online BBA Flex has the same coursework as a traditional BBA, but it’s self-paced and 100% online.
  • Eight-week course structure: As opposed to the traditional sixteen, the eight-week course structure means you only have to take two classes at once to finish four in a semester.
  • Class lectures: They’re pre-recorded and short, so you can watch them from anywhere.
  • Deadlines: There are only two per class, and you can work ahead.
  • Office hours: The professors have virtual office hours, and they’re only 1.5 hours away if you want to meet in person!
  • Apply today for the Online BBA Flex.

2. Gain the necessary skills to move into these Huntsville careers

Student studying at Tous les Jours in MidCity in Huntsville
If you haven’t finished your degree yet, this is your sign to do it in Huntsville. (Lacey Muenstermann / Hville Blast)

One of the best parts about UNA’s Online BBA Flex is that the coursework is well-rounded, opening you up to a wide variety of career opportunities.

“All of our Online BBA Flex majors, regardless of their concentration, take courses in communication, accounting, project management, economics, finance and data analytics. They have at least a base-level understanding in each of those areas, which opens up so many more opportunities for them.”

Dr. Lindsey Sherrill, Assistant Professor of Business Communication, UNA

BBA graduates typically enter into excellent HR and management positions. Check out these top-notch career options, including the average yearly earnings for each in the Huntsville area.

  • Admin. Services Manager ($83k)
  • Business Planner ($91k)
  • Chief Executive Officer ($175k)
  • Compensation/Benefits Specialist ($55k)
  • Entry Level Human Resources Specialist ($67k)
  • Human Resources Director ($110k)
  • Human Resources Assistant ($51k)
  • General/Operations Manager ($115k)
  • Online Merchant ($54k)
  • Payroll Specialist ($62k)
  • Supply Chain Manager ($99k
  • Training/Development Manager ($64k)
  • Talent Acquisition Specialist ($60k)

3. Apply for UNA’s Online BBA Flex today!

Girl and her dog in MidCity in Huntsville
A flexible degree in Huntsville means more time to spend with your family, friends—and pets! (Lacey Muenstermann / Hville Blast)

If you’re ready to level up your Huntsville career, check out UNA’s Online BBA Flex today:

  • Cost:
    • 1-11 credit hours: $340 per hour + the Online BBA 20% tuition discount, making the cost per credit hour only $272
    • 12-18 credit hours: $5,100 flat rate
    • 19+ credit hours: $340 per hour in addition to flat rate
  • Bonus Perk: Students can transfer up to 90 credit hours for the program since it’s a degree finisher.
  • Time to complete: 1.5-2 years
  • Mode offered: 100% online
  • Credential: Bachelor of Business Administration
  • Register now – the next start date is January 8.

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North Alabama - Sanders College of Business and Technology

Lacey Muenstermann
Lacey Muenstermann
Articles: 352