5 building permits for $1 million+ projects approved in Huntsville area

Reading time: 2 minutes

Among the five building permits issued in the Huntsville area, one is at Redstone Gateway. (Commercial Edge)

This week, there are five new permits for projects exceeding $1 million issued in the Huntsville area, with four in the city limits of Huntsville and one in Athens.

Read more to find out where these projects are located:

More details on these building permits

Thanks to my colleague at Bama Buzz Nathan Watson, we have this trusty map that shows all of the building permits issued for million-dollar-plus projects in the state this past week.

Our friends at Southern Exposure Information, have provided us the list of all new million-dollar-plus construction permits approved in Alabama last week. Each week, they pull together information from building permits to get all the details on these projects. You can get access to all of their construction permits right here.

Here are the building permits issued in the Huntsville area:

09/28/2022AthensSW Commercial ContractingSW Commercial Contracting17277 Golden Eagle Dr$1,360,040
09/28/2022HuntsvilleHighland Wake ConstructionWill Cosby8000 Rideout Rd SW unit 100$1,065,315
09/28/2022HuntsvilleChilders ConstructionSlade Blackwell833 Martin Rd SW$4,352,690
09/28/2022HuntsvilleGlenn Cope Homes IncDaniel Schreeder427 McClung Ave SE$1,300,000
09/28/2022HuntsvilleSummit StructuresNathan Davis6882 Hollow Rd NW$1,277,807

Check previous weeks’ building permits

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Several Huntsville area projects have received permits over the last few months. (Crunkleton Associates)

Want to check on the building permits issued over the last 10 weeks? Here you go:

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Michael Seale
Michael Seale
Articles: 1658