Reviewed by: Lacey Muenstermann
7 great Huntsville-based podcasts for your morning commute
Reading time: 4 minutes

If you’re like me you probably like to listen to podcasts or audiobooks on your morning commute, while doing chores, at the gym or just in your free time.
We’ve gathered a list of Huntsville-based podcasts (plus a bonus one that features Huntsville prominently) that talk about current happenings and the history of Huntsville.
1) Beyond Rockets

Beyond Rockets talks about all things innovation in Huntsville that go beyond the space industry.
They not only bring on guests and entrepreneurs to talk about new developments and startups in Huntsville but also offer podcast development and management for local companies interested in sharing their voices.
Where to listen: Website | Spotify | Apple
2) Lilly Flagg’s Signal

Lilly Flagg’s Signal is Huntsville’s premier history podcast.
The show features deep dives into single topics and interviews with locals to tell the story of Huntsville.
The show even gets its name from a world-famous cow that once called Huntsville home, we talk about this cow and other fun facts in our 23 random facts about Huntsville video.
Where to listen: Website | Spotify | Apple
3) The Downtown Explorer

The Downtown Explorer is a podcast produced by Downtown Huntsville Inc.
There hasn’t been a new episode in a couple of years, but there is still a backlog of great episodes with interviews from local artists, city planners, state representatives and more.
Where to listen: Website | Spotify | Apple
4) Trash Pandas Podcast Network

The Rocket City Trash Pandas, Huntsville’s Minor League Baseball team, has not one but two shows that are released in podcast form.
The Josh Caray Show: Play-by-play broadcaster Josh Caray talks with members of the team, coaches and various personnel on the Trash Pandas team every week in in-depth interviews.
The Bullpen: Ricky Fernandez and Tony Mac talk all things Trash Pandas and the wider world of baseball.
Where to listen: Website | Spotify | Apple
5) Our town
Troy Bye hosts this long-form podcast; in each episode, Troy does a deep dive with someone from Huntsville.
He talks with people across all industries about their interests and what’s happening in Huntsville.
Where to listen: Website | Spotify | Apple
6) Valley Sounds

While this is not a Huntsville-specific podcast, it is produced here and features local musicians.
Valley Sounds focuses on local musicians and music from across the Tennessee Valley. You’ll hear music, interviews and more on this radio show from WLRH 89.3 FM
You can hear Valley Sounds live every Saturday at 9 PM.
Where to listen: Website | Apple
7) 13 Minutes to the Moon

This is the only podcast on the list not produced in Huntsville; it’s produced in the UK by the BBC.
We’re including it because the history of man going to the moon and the history of Huntsville are closely tied.
This podcast has a high production value with great storytelling and music from Hanz-Zimmer.
Where to listen: Website | Spotify | Apple
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