Local positions in Huntsville – more than 14,000 jobs available

Reading time: 2 minutes

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Alabama A&M has more than 100 local positions for which they are hiring. (Jacob Blankenship / Hville Blast)

The healthcare industry continues to lead the way across the board in regard to open positions and number of jobs available in the Huntsville area. Huntsville Hospital System, Crestwood Medical Center and TotalMed are among the 10 local employers with the most open positions.

Of more than 14,000 jobs available in the Huntsville area, more than 1,000 are in the medical field and hundreds more are in education, while retail jobs are also prevalent this week. See who all is hiring in Huntsville below:

Which employers are hiring right now?

The Huntsville Hospital System has nearly 1,000 local positions listed on Indeed.com. (Huntsville Hospital via Facebook)

For the last few months, Huntsville Hospital System has led the way as far as number of local positions open, with companies like Deloitte and Blue Origin also consistently in the top 10 among employers with the most open positions.

Here are the 10 employers with the most job openings right now, according to Indeed.com:

Here are the 10 local employers with the most openings in the Huntsville area:

UAH, Aspen Dental + more employers hiring

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The University of Alabama in Huntsville has 67 local positions open. (Jacob Blankenship / Hville Blast)

In addition to the 10 employers listed above, UAH has 67 positions open right now, and Aspen Dental currently lists 69 open positions.

To browse more jobs in the Huntsville area, check out the listings on Indeed.com. Also, keep in mind that Hville Blast is looking for interns to join the staff here in the Rocket City! So let us know if you are interested or pass this listing along to someone you think might be.

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Michael Seale
Michael Seale
Articles: 1641