Reviewed by: Emily Phillips
Alabama A&M students earn first place in AABE Hackathon
Reading time: 2 minutes

A group of Alabama A&M University computer science students garnered first place in a recent competition, the Alabama Power/Southern Nuclear Hackathon hosted by the American Association of Blacks in Energy.
Check out what these Alabama A&M students accomplished:
Winning the AABE Hackathon

So, here’s what this amazing team of A&M students accomplished:
Students developed a pitch to solve a problem statement related to achieving a healthier lifestyle in communities of color negatively impacted by such problems as climate change, food insecurity and other issues.
The AAMU team developed a solution tackling a more specific aspect of the problem that honed in on the “Black residents in Lowndes County, Ala.,” where there is “little to no access to a municipal sewage system” or “functional septic systems.”
The students’ solution focused on a reduction in toxicity, smell and overall sewage by reducing the number of pathogenic organisms and chlorinating the liquid part of the sewage using their proposed prototype, Sewage Cleansing and Reduction System
Meet the Team

The computer science team members included:
- Asa Rogers, junior
- Da’Quandalon Daniel, sophomore
- DeTavein Walker, sophomore
- Eyerusalem Girma, sophomore
- Lyric Sampson, sophomore.
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