3 astronomical events to look out for this September

artemis i astronomical events
Keep your eyes upward for these dazzling astronomical events. (Nathan Watson / Hville Blast)

Welcome to September, Rocket City! There are plenty more astronomical events you can view this month. From a bright planet to a breathtaking phenomenon visible in the early morning, these events are worth waking up early.

1. Venus visible before sunrise

Mars on a black background
If you missed Venus in the evening this year, you can now see it in the morning. (Photo by NASA on Unsplash)

Throughout September, you should be able to see Venus high in the eastern sky before sunrise every morning. Earlier this year, Venus has only been visible in the evening, but it will shine at its brightest around Tuesday, September 19.

2. Harvest Moon — Friday, September 29

full moon and gray clouds during nighttime
“Because I’m still in love with you on this harvest moon…” (Photo by Ganapathy Kumar on Unsplash)

This full moon is the fourth and final supermoon of 2023, the previous one being the spectacular Super Blue Moon visible on August 30. It’s called the “Harvest Moon” because it shines right around the time in which Northern Hemisphere crops reach their peak.

The brightness of the Harvest Moon provides some extra light to crops after the sun sets, allowing more crops to come in before the upcoming winter.

3. Zodiacal light visible before morning twilight

zodiacal light
This will be a beautiful phenomenon to witness. (“Zodiacal Light over La Silla” by European Southern Observatory is licensed under CC BY 2.0)

Perhaps the most dazzling of the astronomical events this month, the zodiacal light is the result of sunlight reflecting off a dust cloud found within our solar system. You might be able to spot this triangular beauty in the eastern sky about an hour before morning (or civil) twilight.

If you’re able to see any of these astronomical events and get some pictures, we would love to see them! Share your pictures on social media and tag us or DM us at @hvilleblast.

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Curtis Venetta
Curtis Venetta
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