Bike Month 2023 in Huntsville—what to know

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Bike Month is full of events and promotions throughout Huntsville, including the 14th Annual Mayor’s Bike Ride. (Healthy Huntsville via Facebook)

May is Bike Month, and in Huntsville, the city has put together a pretty cool slate of events and promotions to celebrate. From bicycle safety courses to the 14th Annual Mayor’s Bike Ride, there are several ways to observe Bike Month here in the Rocket City.

Here’s some more info:

Bike Month events, promotions

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Get downtown this weekend for the annual bike ride event! (City of Huntsville)

To celebrate and observe Bike Month, The Bicycle Safety Advisory Committee encourages everyone to take advantage of the many biking opportunities available in the community. 

Here is the slate of events and promotions happening for Bike Month over the next few weeks:

14th Annual Mayor’s Bike Ride

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Mayor Battle hosts the 14th Annual Mayor’s Bike Ride through Downtown Huntsville. (Healthy Huntsville)

Mayor Tommy Battle will proclaim May as Bike Month at his 14th Annual Mayor’s Bike Ride Saturday, May 6 at 11AM.

Join Mayor Battle, BASC, Huntsville Police Bike Unit and Healthy Huntsville for this family-friendly, 4-mile bike ride around the downtown area’s historic neighborhoods. The ride begins and ends at Church Street in Big Spring Park in front of the YMCA building.  

If you don’t have a bike, a limited number of Huntsville Blue Bikes will be available free of charge during the Mayor’s Ride. Users will need the Bikeshare app to take advantage of the offer. 

“This is one of our favorite events of the year. From serious cyclists to young children, there’s a real sense of community as we enjoy the beautiful sights of Downtown Huntsville.” 

Mayor Tommy Battle

Registration for the ride begins at 10:30 a.m. Participants are invited to check out the vendors and register for the chance to win a new bicycle. Free parking will be available at Municipal Garage M, located at 100 Church Street. 

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Michael Seale
Michael Seale
Articles: 1673