Why one local woman has stayed at this family-like company for 23 years

❤️ MEET EMILY! She loves Birmingham, spending time with her family + her job at UWCA.
BlastPartner #UWCA #UnitedWayofCentralAlabama CM
❤️ MEET EMILY! She loves Birmingham, spending time with her family + her job at UWCA.
BlastPartner #UWCA #UnitedWayofCentralAlabama CM
🧱 SAY HELLO TO LEGO, HSV: Alabama's only LEGO Store is replacing this clothing store— find out where.
🍺 STOUT! STOUT! Vote for this local brewery's beer can label now!
#huntsvillealabama #craftbeer #StraightToAle
📈 SHOALS ECONOMIC IMPACT: Meet Sam + learn why he's inspired to make The Shoals a thriving economic community 👇
BlastPartner #una #theshoals #alabamaeconomicimpact
💥 OPENING SOON: Welcome these new businesses to the Huntsville area!
#newbusiness #huntsvillealabama #openings
👀 JOB SEEKERS: Look through more than 12K jobs listed this week in the Rocket City.
#huntsvillealabama #jobs #employment
📈 TARIFF TALK: Want to know more about tariffs and the economy? Check out our expert analysis.
BlastPartner #UNA #businessnews
👀 LOOKING FOR A JOB? Check out who is hiring here in the Rocket City!
#huntsvillealabama #employment #newjobs
🚧 BREAKING GROUND: MicroFlex broke ground this week on a new flexible workspace facility.
#microflex #madisonalabama #newconstruction
🚧 NEW ALDI! A building permit was issued this past week for the new Aldi on Madison Blvd.
#LADI #madisonalabama #newconstruction