City of Madison launching new Civic Awareness Academy

Reading time: 2 minutes

The City of Madison is starting their inaugural Civic Awareness Academy this spring. (McCarley Northway/Hville Blast)

Madison is growing almost as rapidly as Huntsville these days, and it is important that residents remain aware of what’s happening in their community. This is why city officials will launch the city’s inaugural Civic Awareness Academy this spring.

Here’s the info on this new city initiative:

Madison Civic Awareness Academy

Downtown Madison—home to a new cigar lounge
The new Civic Awareness Academy is accepting application now. (Lacey Spear / Hville Blast)

The Madison Civic Awareness Academy, held every spring and fall, will be a 6-week discovery program for Madison residents that provides participants with an in-depth look at the city.

Participants will be given an insider’s view into the roles of municipal government, city operations, programs, departments and services, emerging issues and volunteer opportunities.

As well, participants will be encouraged to share their thoughts and discuss concerns during the round-robin part of each session.

The academy may include guest speakers, classroom instruction, civic simulations, class discussion/ engagement activities and facility tours within the city. Sessions will be conducted in-person.

Civic Awareness Academy schedule + how to get involved

town madison
Madison is accepting applications for the Civic Awareness Academy now. (Hville Blast)

The schedule for the academy is as follows:

  • Orientation: March 21 – 5:30PM-7PM
  • March 28 – 5:30PM-8PM
  • April 4 – 5:30PM-8PM
  • April 11 – 5:30PM-8PM
  • April 18 – 5:30PM-8PM
  • April 25 – 5:30PM-8PM
  • May 2 – 5:30PM-8PM
  • Graduation: May 13 – 6PM

To get involved in the Civic Awareness Academy, apply here.

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Michael Seale
Michael Seale
Articles: 1658