New terminal expansion at Huntsville airport now completed

✈️ SIGNATURE AVIATION: Check out this private airline's new terminal at HSV!
#FlyHSV #huntsvillealabama #SignatureAviation
✈️ SIGNATURE AVIATION: Check out this private airline's new terminal at HSV!
#FlyHSV #huntsvillealabama #SignatureAviation
🎻 NEW AT THE VBC! A $15 million project at the Mark C. Smith Concert Hall is expected to bring in new national productions and shows.
#VBC #huntsvillealabama #VonBraun
🚧 IT'S OPEN!! The long-awaited interchange at Town Madison on I-565 is open!
#madisonalabama #ALDOT #huntsvillealabama
🍓ISOM'S ORCHARD REFRESH: Have you noticed the original Isom's Orchard is now a construction site? Here's what we know about the new building!
🚧 SUNRISE PARK: A groundbreaking event was held today for the new Sunrise Park in Athens.
#athensal #newconstruction #sunrisepark
🚧 NEW CONSTRUCTION: Take a look at these new high-dollar building permits here in Huntsville.
#huntsvillealabama #newconstruction #buildingpermits
🚧 MONROE STREET IMPROVEMENTS: Some major improvements have been approved for Monroe Street downtown.
#huntsvillealabama #VBC #downtownhuntsville
🏞️ BRIDGES AT PALMER PARK: Construction is underway for 2 pedestrian bridges at Palmer Park in Madison!
#madisonalabama #palmerpark #greenway
⛑️ EXPANSION UNDERWAY! The Madison Street Tower expansion project has begun at Huntsville Hospital!
#huntsvillealabama #huntsvileehospital #hospital
🚧 NEW CONSTRUCTION: Check out what's being built in Alabama!
#huntsvillealabama #buildingpermits #newconstruction