VBC, Redstone Gateway among new high-dollar building permits

🚧 NEW PERMITS: Check out what projects were approved for building permits this past week.
#huntsvillealabama #newconstruction #buildingpermits
🚧 NEW PERMITS: Check out what projects were approved for building permits this past week.
#huntsvillealabama #newconstruction #buildingpermits
🚧 NEW BUILDING PERMITS: Here are some of the high-dollar construction projects approved in North Alabama.
#huntsvillealabama #walmart #cullmanalabama
⚖️ FEDERAL COURTHOUSE UPDATE: The new courthouse in Huntsville is expected to open in the spring.
#huntsvillealabama #federalcourthouse #GSA
🚧 GROUND BROKEN: Construction on the new Lewter District downtown has begun!
#huntsvillealabama #Lewter #downtownhuntsville
🌉 SKYBRIDGE UPDATE: Here's a look at a revised timeline for this project.
#huntsvillealabama #skybridge #flooding
🚧 NEW CONSTRUCTION: Two of the priciest building permits issued this past week are in Decatur.
#decaturalabama #newconstruction #buildingpermits
🏫 NEW SCHOOL: Ground was broken recently on a new elementary school for Madison City Schools.
👷🏻MILL CREEK PROJECT MOVING FORWARD: In exciting news, the City of Huntsville has finalized agreements to move forward on its Mill Creek redevelopment project.
#huntsville #millcreek #cityofhuntsville
🏢 FAREWELL: The old City Hall building is set for demolition.
#huntsvillealabama #cityhall #construction
👷♂️ SANDRA MOON COMPLEX: The final stage of the project is underway.
#huntsvillealabama #construction #sandramoon