Decatur Hospital project + new high-dollar building permits in North Alabama

Reading time: 2 minutes

high-dollar building permits
Improvements to Decatur Morgan Hospital are included among the high-dollar building permits issued this week. (Decatur Morgan Hospital)

Among the 24 new high-dollar building permits issued (projects exceeding $1 million) this past week throughout Alabama, five are for construction projects in North Alabama.

Here’s what to know about these new high-dollar building permits:

What to know about these new high-dollar building permits

Among the million-dollar-plus construction projects in North Alabama issued permits this past week is a project at Decatur Morgan Hospital. Although we have been unable to find specific details on this project, we do know that the contractor is Robins & Morton and the project is estimated at $1.6 million.

Thanks to our friends at Southern Exposure Information, we have the list of all of the new million-dollar-plus construction projects approved in Alabama last week. Each week, they pull together information from building permits issued to get all the details on these projects. You can get access to all of their construction permits right here.

Here are the new permits approved for million-dollar-plus projects this week in North Alabama:

CityBuilderOwnerof ProjectProjectAddressAmount
11/01/2023CullmanEdison & AssociatesCore Properties LLC1654 Third St SE$1,599,673
11/01/2023CullmanArmstrong & Associates General Contracting LLCCullman USA Inc1518 Second Ave NW$1,200,000
10/31/2023DecaturThe Robins & Morton Group IncDecatur Morgan Hospital1201 7th St SE$1,678,771
11/01/2023GuntersvilleForcum Lannom Contractors LLCowner not listed3500 Lake Guntersville PA$2,500,000
11/02/2023HuntsvilleLimestone Building GroupRS Alliance Group LLC3409 Memorial Parkway SW$2,227,000

Past permits you may have missed

building permits
One of the new building permits issued recently is for a project at the Alabama Farmers Co-op in Decatur. (Alabama Farmers Cooperative Inc. )

In case you missed any of the previous lists of new million-dollar-plus permits issued in Alabama, here are the permits from the last several weeks:

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Michael Seale
Michael Seale
Articles: 1643