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The Dating Game – Find Your Perfect Valentine!

February 1 @ 6:30 pm - 9:30 pm

The Dating Game – Find Your Perfect Valentine!
We are inviting all of our single friends to sign up for our Dating Game. It is similar to the 70’s Game Show. We will have one person that asks questions to 3 singles. Based on their answers the bachelor or bachelorette asking the questions will get to pick one person to go on a date with. Each winning couple will get tickets to our “Bloody Valentine” Dance on Feb 15th plus

All sorts of awesome pre-date fun from Couples massages, Facials, Haircuts, Dinner & More.
Our Band EvrythngIsWrong is awesome!
The Band EvryThingIsWrng will be performing in between rounds.
Its going to be a Fun night for singles and couples alike.
6:30 – 9:30pm Lowe Mill A&E Second Floor Theatre
$10.00 *Free for contestants*
A huge Thank you to our Awesome Sponsors:
Lowe Mill, Bandito Burrito, Solstice Day Spa LLC, Bobbi Pins & Barbicyde, Playa Bowls, EvryThingIsWrng, Your Perfect Party & World Conspiracy!
*More sponsors to be announced soon*
Dating Game Contestant Information:
Deadline to enter is Jan 18th, 2025
To be considered
Please MESSAGE the following information to the
World Conspiracy event page (See link under meet your host)
1. Name
2. Age – MUST BE 18 & UP
3. Age range you are interested in dating within
4. Musical tastes – What styles of music do you like?
5. What type of food do you like? (Example Healthy, Mexican, etc)
6. Hobbies
7. Likes & Dislikes
8. Anything you want us to know when considering you for our show?

Interested in joining the Dating Game – Find Your Valentine?

Contestants attend for free!

Deadline to apply: January 18, 2025

To be considered, please message the following information to the World Conspiracy Events Page: https://www.facebook.com/people/World-Conspiracy-Events-Page/100054236391675/

perdido beach resort

Want to add your event for FREE to our calendar? Enter your info here.  They are usually live within 2 days.

Want MORE promotion options (Instagram, newsletters, etc)?  Email hello (AT) hvilleblast.com.  We’re ready to help you!