Fiber arts exhibit opens Sunday at Huntsville Museum of Art

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An exhibition of fiber arts, like this piece by Meghan Shimek, will begin at Huntsville Museum of Art Sunday, July 24. (Huntsville Museum of Art)

Fiber arts is perhaps one of the more marginalized artistic media, but some fabulous fiber artwork will be on display at the Huntsville Museum of Art beginning this Sunday. “A Beautiful Mess: Weavers and Knotters of the Vanguard” will run at HMA through Oct. 16.

Learn more about this unique exhibit below:

Celebrating fiber arts

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The artists in A Beautiful Mess revolutionize the previously marginalized genre of fiber arts. (Bedford Gallery)

This exhibition was organized by the Bedford Gallery at the Lesher Center for the Arts in Walnut Creek, Ca. The exhibition features a diverse selection of fiber arts such as wall hangings, installations and monumental pieces.

Made by an all-woman roster of conceptual artists, “A Beautiful Mess: Weavers and Knotters of the Vanguard” showcases twisted, tied and braided works made from tactile and utilitarian materials like rope, yarn, clay and wire. Whether by utilizing non-traditional materials, tapping into personal memories, or untangling complex histories, these artists infuse their works with personal stories and socio-political concerns.

As stated by the HMA in a release, “While the means of production vary tremendously, the artists find commonality in their pursuit to upend the status quo. By bringing their unique stories to the forefront, they create sculptures and installations that are staggering in both beauty and conceptual backing.”

Artists include: 

  • Windy Chien
  • Kira Dominguez Hultgren
  • Kirsten Hassenfeld
  • Dana Hemenway
  • Dani Lopez
  • Hannah Perrine Mode
  • Liz Robb
  • Katrina Sánchez Standfield
  • Meghan Shimek
  • Lisa Solomon
  • Jacqueline Surdell

How to view the exhibit at Huntsville Museum of Art

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Get tickets now to view some amazing fiber artwork at the HMA. (Nathan Watson / Hville Blast)

“A Beautiful Mess: Weavers and Knotters of the Vanguard” will be on display in the Huth, Salmon and Boeing galleries of the museum and will be included with the general price of admission. Admission can be purchased at the front desk in the lobby of the museum or online here.

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Michael Seale
Michael Seale
Articles: 1665