Here is our Health Score Honor Roll for December 2024

👨🍳 HEALTH SCORE HONOR ROLL: Check out who made our Health Score Honor Roll for December!
#huntsvillealabama #madisoncountyAL #healthscores
👨🍳 HEALTH SCORE HONOR ROLL: Check out who made our Health Score Honor Roll for December!
#huntsvillealabama #madisoncountyAL #healthscores
🍹 BEST HUNTSVILLE COCKTAILS: If you haven't tried any of these local drinks, you should 👇
#huntsvillebars #huntsvillecocktails
😢 FOND FAREWELL: Here's a look at some of the local businesses that closed in 2024.
#huntsvillealabama #madisonal #closings
💥 NEW BUSINESSES: Take a look at these new businesses here in the Huntsville area!
#huntsvillealabama #madisonalabama @openings
🍸SPEAKEASIES + UNDERGROUND BARS: Winter is the perfect time to grab a drink at 1 of these cozy spots in Huntsville🔥
#Huntsville #HuntsvilleAL #speakeasy
😋BEST BITES OF 2024: We had many fantastic meals in Huntsville this year. Check out some of our favorites and let us know your favorite meal of the year!
#huntsville #bestbites #eatlocal
⭐CAMPUS 805 HIGHLIGHT: Here are just a few reasons why Campus 805 has become one of Huntsville's most recognizable locations.
#huntsville #campus805
💥 NEW BUSINESS IN 2024: We welcomed a LOT of new businesses to the Rocket City this year!
#huntsvillealabama #newbusiness #eats
💥 NOW OPEN! Check out these new businesses here in the Rocket City!
#huntsvillealabama #madisonalabama #openings
💥 OPENING SOON! A new bar concept is coming to the Village of Providence!
#huntsvillealabama #villageofprovidence #nitrotales