Globetrotters, Beer Festival + 13 more weekend events in Huntsville

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Weekend events in Huntsville include a visit by the world-famous Harlem Globetrotters. (Harlem Globetrotters via Facebook)

Well, fellow Huntsvillians, we have almost made it through another week, and can start focusing on the weekend. And guess what? There’s plenty to do this weekend in and around the Rocket City!

Check out these weekend events here in town:

Live Music

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The Shane Davis Group is playing at Stovehouse this weekend! (Shane Davis Group via Facebook)

Here are some of the live music events happening in town over the next few days:

  • TobyMac: Jan. 27, Von Braun Center, 7PM, Catch contemporary Christian musician TobyMac with special guests Tasha layton and Jon Reddick. 
  • Murray & Magill: Jan. 27, Lowe Mill ARTS & Entertainment. 7PM. Watch and listen to beautiful irish fiddle and bouzouki music at the Irish Drum Center in Lowe Mill!
  • Shane Davis: Jan 27, Stovehouse, 6PM. This singer-songwriter from Huntsville puts on a killer show, and this Friday’s show at Stovehouse should be no exception!
  • Jimmy Henderson Trio: Jan. 28, Mad Malts Brewing, 7PM. Sip on some delicious craft beer while listening to the soulful blues music of the Jimmy Henderson Trio.
  • “One Vision – The Music of Queen” by Huntsville Symphony Orchestra: Jan. 28, Mark C. Smith Concert Hall, 7:30PM. The Huntsville Symphony Orchestra performs the classic tunes of Queen!

Shows, Classes, Expos

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The 7th Annual Von Brewski Beer Festival is one of the weekend events we are going to check out! (Von Brewski Beer festival via Facebook)

From a pretty awesome beer festival to some hilarious stand-up comedy, there’s a wide array of cool weekend events in and around Huntsville this weekend:

  • Von Brewski Beer Festival: Jan. 28, Von Braun Center, 2PM. Sample more than 100 beers from dozens of breweries in the region!
  • Collectors and Shooters Gun Show: Jan. 28-29, Von Braun Center South Hall, 9AM. Check out tons of vendors and specialists who will have guns on display for collectors and shooters alike.
  • Gardening with Kids: Terrariums: Jan. 28, Huntsville Botanical Garden, 10AM. Join the Botanical Garden staff as they teach you and your child the best construction methods, materials, and care for a terrarium.
  • Bank Street Players presents The Diary of Anne Frank: Jan. 28, Princess Theatre (Decatur), 2PM, 7PM. See the famous and haunting story of Anne Frank come to life at the Princess Theatre in Decatur.
  • John Crist: Jan. 29, Stand Up Live, 7PM. This up-and-coming comedian already has billions of video views on social media. Catch him live here in Huntsville!

Sports + Fitness

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How awesome are the Harlem Globetrotters? Find out this weekend at the VBC! (Harlem Globetrotters via Facebook)

Wanna get out and see some entertaining basketball? Then you’re in luck, because the world-famous Harlem Globetrotters are in town! Check out this and other sporting events and activities here in town:

  • Simply Saturday Yoga w/Mi-Thai-Mmm: Jan. 28, Robert Shurney Legacy Center, 12PM. Join in on this yoga class conducive to all levels of expertise!
  • Mountain Mist Trail Run 50K: Jan. 28, Monte Sano State Park, 7AM. One of the Southeast’s Oldest and largest trails runs, Mountain Mist features a tour of the Monte Sano State Park and the Huntsville Land Trust Trails of North Alabama.
  • Veterans of America RC Polar Bear Run: Jan. 28, Diamonds Sports Bar, 10AM. This riding club’s event supports Tut Fann Veterans Home, Operation Stand Down and other veteran advocacy groups.
  • Awakening Yoga: Jan 28, Virtual, 10AM. Awaken your mind and body to a new level and learn how to practice meditation in motion with this class.
  • Harlem Globetrotters: Jan. 29, Propst Arena, 7PM. The coolest show on the court comes to Huntsville as the world-famous Harlem Globetrotters continue their 2023 World Tour.

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Michael Seale
Michael Seale
Articles: 1658