Butterfly release, Trash Pandas baseball and 13 more events in Huntsville this weekend

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The Huntsville Botanical Garden Butterfly Release is Sunday. (Huntsville Botanical Garden)

Well, fellow Huntsvillians, the weekend is in view, and luckily for us, there is plenty to do this weekend to keep us busy and entertained. Between a film festival, sporting events and live music, you may not have time to also attend the array of farmers markets and expos also happening in town over the next few days.

However, we are going to list them anyway to give you a little bit of a head start into the weekend. So here goes!

Live Music

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Bad Camaro plays Humphrey’s Bar & Grill Friday night. (Bad Camaro via Facebook)

Here are some of the live music performances happening in and around Huntsville this weekend:

Sports and Fitness

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The Rocket City Trash Pandas close out their series against the Mississippi Braves this weekend. (Michael Seale / Hville Blast)

Whether you want to watch some minor league baseball or join in on a free fitness class, there is plenty to do sports-wise in the Rocket City this weekend:

  • Trash Pandas v. Mississippi Braves: June 10-12, Toyota Field. Friday and Saturday games start at 6:30PM and Sunday starts at 2:30.
  • Fitness in the Park: June 11, Big Spring Park, 9AM. This Saturday, get moving with Yoga with Ryan, free at Big Spring Park.
  • Hike The Land Trust Challenge: June 11, Monte Sano – Three Caves, 9AM. The Land Trust of North Alabama continues its series of hikes along its public trails this weekend at Monte Sano.
  • Yoga by the River: June 11, Hays Nature Preserve, 8AM. Enjoy a relaxing, yet energizing hour of yoga next to the gently flowing waters of the Flint River in Hays Nature Preserve.
  • Easy walk on Indian Creek Trail: June 12, Indian Creek Trail, Madison, 5PM. Get some exercise with this 2-mile walk along the scenic Indian Creek Trail in Madison.

Festivals and Markets

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Experience the Huntsville Botanical Garden Butterly Release Sunday. (Huntsville Botanical Garden)

The Southern Fried Film Festival kicks off Thursday and runs through Sunday, but that is not the only event happening in and around the Rocket City. Check out these markets and festivals as well:

  • Huntsville Worldwide Knit in Public Day: June 11, Lowe Mill ARTS & Entertainment, 12PM. Knitters, crocheters, spinners, weavers, fiber artists and crafters of any kind are welcome to join for a fun day celebrating the love of fiber arts.
  • Sip N Stroll: June 11, Cummings Research Park, 11AM. Come to CRP’s Lake 4 and sip local brews from nearly 10 breweries, stroll around the lake, and enjoy the sounds of six different local musicians
  • Rocket City Hot Wheelers Diecast Show: June 11; Jaycee Community Building, 9AM – 2PM. More than 50 vendors selling diecast from Hot Wheels, M2, Greenlight, Matchbox, and Johnny Lightning.
  • Madison County Farmers Market: June 11, 1022 Cook Avenue. 8AM. Corn, okra, tomatoes, and squash are the biggest crops but, you’ll also find in abundance, fresh greens, beans, field peas and fresh fruits.
  • Butterfly Release: June 12, Huntsville Botanical Garden, 10AM. Guests of all ages will enjoy sharing in the magic of safely releasing live butterflies into the Purdy Butterfly House

What are you doing this weekend? Follow Hville Blast on FacebookTikTok and Instagram and let us know, and be sure to subscribe to our newsletter so you don’t miss announcements on what’s happening in and around Huntsville.

Michael Seale
Michael Seale
Articles: 1593