See who’s hiring for more than 14k jobs in the Huntsville area

Reading time: 2 minutes

Downtown Huntsville 1
Check out all the jobs listed this week in Huntsville! (Hville Blast)

This week, job seekers can find about 15,000 jobs in the Huntsville area, including hundreds of jobs in the healthcare, retail and hospitality industries.

See who is hiring this week in the Rocket City:

Healthcare, retail jobs still in high demand

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Among the many jobs in the Huntsville area are hundreds of open positions at Huntsville Hospital. (Michael Seale/Hville Blast)

Huntsville Hospital remains the local employer with the most open positions, and businesses like Dollar General and Alabama A&M also lead the way.

Here are the local employers with the most open positions in the Huntsville area, according to

More employers hiring for jobs in the Huntsville area

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You can find about 15,000 jobs listed in the Huntsville area this week. (Hville Blast)

Employers like Burger King, Kroger and Marshall Medical Centers also have multiple jobs in the Huntsville area to fill. You can find these positions and more on

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Michael Seale
Michael Seale
Articles: 1673