Look at who’s hiring for more than 15K jobs in the Huntsville area

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DowntownHuntsville 9
Check out more than 15,000 jobs in the Huntsville area this week. (Hville Blast)

As the Huntsville area continues to grow, so do the opportunities in the job market throughout the area. This week, you can find more than 15,000 jobs listed locally on Indeed.com.

Check out who is hiring here in the Rocket City:

Jobs in the Huntsville area include Huntsville Hospital, Boeing

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Huntsville Hospital leads the way as far as the number of open jobs in the Huntsville area this week. (Michael Seale/Hville Blast)

Health care and tech jobs are in abundance here in the Rocket City, which is not surprising. Employers such as Huntsville Hospital, Crestwood Medical Center, Boeing and others in the area have hundreds of open positions at the moment.

Here are the 10 local employers with the most jobs listed this week:

More jobs in the Huntsville area

UAH also has multiple positions available this week. (Hville Blast)

In addition to the employers listed above, Indeed.com shows employers like Blue Origin, the University of Alabama in Huntsville, Kroger and more local employers with dozens of jobs listed this week.

Check out Indeed.com and see who’s hiring.

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Michael Seale
Michael Seale
Articles: 1673