Continue your education as an adult—3 programs in Huntsville

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OLLI anniversary group
If you want to continue your education and you’re over 50, you can take classes at UAH’s OLLI program. (UAH)

As we get older and have racked up years and years of professional experience, parenting experience, marriage experience and the like, sometimes we forget that our brains are craving more information.

If you are an older adult looking to continue your education (non-degree-seeking) there are multiple ways to keep learning in the Huntsville area. Here’s how:

Osher Lifelong Learning Institute at UAH

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OLLI is a great way to continue your education with tons of exciting classes. (UAH)

The Osher Lifelong Learning Institute at UAH (OLLI at UAH) is a member-based learning community for adults age 50+.

OLLI offers a wide variety of courses, bonus lectures, events, social and travel opportunities during the fall, spring and summer of each academic year.

You can learn a new language, study the writings of Shakespeare, learn the ins and outs of craft beer and so much more.

Join fellow seasoned adults virtually or on the UAH campus for high-quality and low-cost learning opportunities. The best part — no grades, no tests and no mandatory class assignments.

Visit the OLLI at UAH website for more information.

Center for Extended Studies at AAMU

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Alabama A&M offers several ways to continue your education. (Hville Blast)

The mission of the Center for Extended Studies (CES) is to successfully plan, develop, market and deliver programs of lifelong learning.

This includes collaborating with academic departments, the university faculties, administrative offices, business agency entities, and support units of the university to design, promote, and administer innovative programs that respond to community needs.

Adults who successfully complete CES-approved programs will be awarded continuing education units. CES manages the review of programs to determine if they qualify for CEUs.

To make these determinations, CES uses International Association for Continuing Education And Training (IACET) guidelines and criteria for awarding CEUs.

Visit the CES website for more info.

Learning Quest

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LearningQUEST meets at the Downtown Public Library. (LearningQUEST via Facebook)

LearningQUEST is a non-profit volunteer-led organization for adults of all ages, dedicated to building a learning community through educational and enrichment opportunities.

The program is partnered with the Huntsville/Madison County Public Library and classes are generally held at the downtown public library, but off-site venues are used when needed.

Learn about wine, astronomy, literature, film and so much more by signing up for their fall session.

Be sure to visit them online for more information.

It’s easy + healthy to continue your education

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Opportunities to continue your education are plentiful in the Huntsville area. (LearningQUEST)

Multiple studies have shown that continuing to learn well into your adult years can be healthy in several ways. It keeps you social, it improves cognitive health and keeps activity levels up.

“The ability to learn new information and perform a new skill helps increase overall morale in adults who may feel like they’re unable to take on additional physical or mental capabilities.”

Carol Pardue-Spears, Family Matters In-home Care

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Michael Seale
Michael Seale
Articles: 1673