How the Liz Hurley Breast Cancer Fund + Huntsville Hospital are innovating breast cancer diagnosis right now

Reading time: 4 minutes


Liz Hurley looking at breast cancer equipment
Liz Hurley—WAFF48 News Anchor—gave us insight on Breast Cancer Awareness in Huntsville. (Lacey Spear / Hville Blast)

If you live in Huntsville, you’ve likely watched the award-winning reporter Liz Hurley on WAFF48.

In addition to being a star news anchor, walking her dog and taking amazing pictures, Liz spends her free time helping local Huntsville women overcome breast cancer. Read on to learn how Liz and Huntsville Hospital Breast Center are innovating treatment options.

Thoughtful + helpful Nurse Navigators

Liz Hurley and Breast Center Director Patti
The Huntsville Hospital Nurse Navigators make patients feel at ease. (Lacey Spear / Hville Blast)

It can be intimidating to walk into a breast cancer center and get a mammogram or undergo treatment.

However, Huntsville Hospital is different, and their helpful Huntsville Hospital Nurse Navigators are game changers.

“Nurse Navigators are there to hold your hand throughout the entire year if you’re diagnosed with a positive cancer result. They provide your education, answer any questions you may have and are supportive during the process.”

Patti Hopkins, Director of HH + Madison Breast Center

It’s also important to conduct self breast examinations and keep up with your yearly mammograms—which should start at age 40 unless you have a first-degree relative who was diagnosed earlier. In that case, you should start at 30.

Huntsville Hospital Breast Center uses unique paddles and accomodates size differences to ease compression and make patients feel more comfortable. Women with dense breast tissue should also get an ultrasound in addition to a mammogram.

Post-cancer Survive + Thrive Boot Camp

Liz taking selfie with woman receiving treatment
The Huntsville Hospital Breast Center transforms lives. (Lacey Spear / Hville Blast)

As a breast cancer survivor herself, Liz Hurley knows the distinct challenges of women who walk through breast cancer.

That’s why she campaigns for Huntsville Hospital’s Surviving and Thriving—an amazing eight-week hybrid program that supports women after they’ve completed their treatments.

“I call it breast cancer bootcamp because it’s a chance for participants be self reflective, feel empowered and figure out who they are after all they’ve been through.”

Liz Hurley, News Anchor, WAFF48

This holistic program teaches women how to get their life back on track and conquer tasks in a post-cancer reality—like doing eyebrows or hair or finding an ideal workout routine.

“We give them a charge in the end. So now who are you? What are you gonna do with what you’ve learned? Are you going to keep this gift to yourself or will you go out and share what you’ve learned with someone else and make a difference? That’s always been my personal mantra.”

Liz Hurley, News Anchor, WAFF48

Be your best self after conquering breast cancer. Learn about all the resources at the Huntsville Hospital Breast Center today.

The amazing Liz Hurley Ribbon Run

Every October, thousands of people flock to downtown Huntsville for Huntsville Hospital Foundation’s incredible Liz Hurley Ribbon Run—Alabama’s largest 5k.

Over the course of 20 years, the Liz Hurley Breast Cancer Fund at HHF has provided $6.6 million to fund diagnostic equipment used to detect cancer early at Huntsville Hospital and Madison Hospital Breast Centers.

Thanks to the generous donors of the Huntsville Hospital Foundation, North Alabama is on par with some of the top breast centers in the nation. This year, proceeds from the run will fund an ultrasound machine, which will allow the Breast Center to see more patients, diagnose cancer earlier and save more lives.

Every year, Liz is amazed by the energy and enthusiam of the Ribbon Run participants.

“We have a limit of 6,500 people who can actually run or walk, but then there are hundreds of thousands more on the sidelines. This year, we’re going to have pink t-shirts and celebrate 20 years, so there’ll be little surprises around every corner.”

Liz Hurley, News Anchor, WAFF48

Check out the Huntsville Hospital Breast Center today

Liz Hurley pointing to sign that reads Liz Hurley Breast Cancer Fund
It’s time to get your mammogram in Huntsville. (Lacey Spear / Hville Blast)

If you could only have two things on your list for in October, check off the following:

  1. Get your yearly mammogram
  2. Register for the Liz Hurley Ribbon Run

“The Ribbon Run is the demarcation for many women of their BC and AC—before cancer and after cancer. It is so freeing to see their faces as they cross the finish line. Many of them just break down crying as they realize: I’m done. This is it. Goodbye, breast cancer.”

Liz Hurley, News Anchor, WAFF48

Looking for the best breast treament center in Huntsville? Check out Huntsville Hospital Breast Center today.

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Lacey Muenstermann
Lacey Muenstermann
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