How to work full-time in Huntsville + get your undergrad business degree right now [VIDEO]


Business degree student standing in front of Times Building
The Times Building, downtown Huntsville. (Lacey Spear / Hville Blast)

Picture yourself getting it all done—you’ve knocked out the morning laundry at home and now you’re merging onto 565 to head to Honest Coffee to work on a client presentation. After work, you’ll head back home, get in your cozy clothes and watch a few pre-recorded lectures.

This is what life looks like when you can work full-time and finish that business degree you always said you would complete. Check out how you can work in Huntsville while crushing the Online BBA (Bachelor of Business Administration) Flex at the University of North Alabama (UNA).

Get a sneak peek into the day in the life of an Online BBA Flex student

(Ben Johnson / Hville Blast)

Finishing your online business degree in Huntsville

Girl studying beside dog
Take your pet to Huntsville Dog Spot Park on your lunch break. (Lacey Spear / Hville Blast)

When you’re working full-time and have a million responsibilities at home, finishing your undergrad business degree seems impossible.

That’s why we sat down with UNA professor Dr. Lindsey Sherrill to get the inside scoop on how to balance life, work and school.

“I had a student enrolled in the Online BBA Flex program who was a busy mom with kids, but she succeeded in finishing her business degree.

Plus, she wrote a fantastic paper that we submitted to a conference. And she even went on to get accepted into her dream master’s program.”

Dr. Lindsey Sherrill, Assistant Professor of Business Communication, UNA

Fun fact about Dr. Sherrill: She loves true crime podcasts and has recently done a TED Talk and published a book on how to be an ethical true crime consumer.

Super flexible class format at UNA

Girl doing laundry while studying
Doing laundry while studying? Unlikely—but possible—with the Online BBA Flex. (Lacey Spear / Hville Blast)

Let’s take a quick look into how that busy mom with kids was able to knock out her undergrad business degree:

  1. She was part of the Online BBA Flex program—a 100% online BBA that takes a standard, in-person BBA and transforms it into a flexible, self-paced format.
  2. The Online BBA Flex has an eight-week course structure instead of the traditional sixteen.
    • You only take two classes at once to ease your workload, but this actually helps you finish your degree faster.
      • After you finish your two classes in the first eight weeks, you move on to take two more.
      • This means you can complete four classes in 16 weeks (one semester) without feeling overwhelmed.
  3. Class lectures are pre-recorded, so you can watch them anytime and work ahead in the course if your schedule allows it.
    • Dr. Sherrill says her lectures are only broken up into short videos (10-15 minutes long).
  4. The deadlines are flexible, and there are typically only two of them per class.
    • You can even work ahead if you want to finish sooner.
  5. The professors have ample online office hours to help you and still provide that one-on-one experience even though the classes aren’t in person.
  6. The professors have ample online office hours to help you.
    • BONUS: Since you live in Huntsville, you’re less than 1.5 hours away from meeting them in person!

This is the ultimate flexible business degree—apply to UNA today.

Enhanced Huntsville career opportunities

Girl studying at Honest Coffee in Huntsville
Studying at Honest Coffee in downtown Huntsville. (Lacey Spear / Hville Blast)

On one level, finishing your business degree is about checking off a box, but the gratification doesn’t end there.

“Completing the Online BBA Flex is going to improve a person’s skills and competencies that they can bring to a job, as well as present opportunities for raises and advancement in their current position.

If someone loves their job and is really good at it but is feeling stuck, the Online BBA Flex can help them take the next step forward.”

Dr. Lindsey Sherrill, Assistant Professor of Business Communication, UNA

Plus, the Online BBA Flex goes beyond just securing a basic degree—the well-rounded coursework can prepare someone for a variety of jobs.

“All of our Online BBA Flex majors, regardless of their concentration, take courses in communication, accounting, project management, economics, finance and data analytics. They have at least a base-level understanding in each of those areas, which opens up so many more opportunities for them.”

Dr. Lindsey Sherrill, Assistant Professor of Business Communication, UNA

Apply for the Online BBA Flex today!

Girl walking through downtown Huntsville
Walking down Holmes Avenue in downtown Huntsville. (Lacey Spear / Hville Blast)

If you’re unsure about the quality of an online degree, rest assured—UNA has been offering virtual courses well before COVID-19.

“All of our professors are very well trained in teaching online. We have had online programs for a long time, and everyone who teaches in the Online BBA Flex is a veteran of virtual teaching, which improves the quality of the content.”

Dr. Lindsey Sherrill, Assistant Professor of Business Communication, UNA

If you’re ready to achieve your career goals in Huntsville, check out the Online BBA Flex at a glance:

  • Cost:
    • 1-11 hours: $340 per hour + the Online BBA 20% tuition discount, making the cost per credit hour only $272.
    • 12-18 hours: $5,100 flat rate
    • 19+ hours: $340 per hour in addition to flat rate
  • Time to complete: 1.5-2 years
  • Mode offered: 100% online
  • Credential: Bachelor of Business Administration
  • Register now – the next start date is March 7th.

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North Alabama - Sanders College of Business and Technology
Lacey Muenstermann
Lacey Muenstermann
Articles: 267