How you can win $100 to your favorite Huntsville restaurant or bar

Reading time: 2 minutes

Two people at Saza cheersing
Cheers, Huntsville! (Lacey Muenstermann / Hville Blast)

If you’re planning out your next date night or looking to treat yourself to a nice meal (hey, we’re not judging!), you have to check out our $100 giveaway.

By taking this easy survey, you can get a chance to snag a gift card to a restaurant or bar of your choice.

UAH survey details

University of Alabama in Huntsville.
University of Alabama in Huntsville. (Hville Blast)
  • What: Survey administered by UAH’s Usability class to see just how easy the Hville Blast website is to navigate
  • Why: We want your input to make our site and content even better!
  • How: Fill out the survey here.
  • Prize: $100 to a restaurant or bar of your choice. The restaurant/bar MUST be locally-owned + offer virtual gift cards.
    • Pro tip: Check the restaurant or bar’s website first to see if they offer virtual gift cards.
  • Timeline: We’ll announce the survey winner + give out the $100 gift card on Tuesday, November 26.

Good luck, Huntsville!

DISCLAIMER: Never provide personal information to accounts impersonating Bham Now (@bhamnow) or its affiliated brands (@thebamabuzz and @hvilleblast). We will NEVER reach out to a giveaway winner via another account. If you receive a message from an account impersonating one of our brands, please report and delete the message. Selected winner(s) must reply w/in 24 hours of notification or forfeit prize. 

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Lacey Muenstermann
Lacey Muenstermann
Articles: 352