Huntsville and Madison Operation Christmas Cleanup set for Jan. 7

Christmas Tree
(Bham Now)

Wondering where you can recycle your real Christmas tree? How about all those used batteries your kids will go through after a week’s worth of playing with their new toys, or the boxes those toys came in?

No worries—Operation Christmas Cleanup takes place Saturday, January 7, 8AM- 1PM at  two locations: 

What is Accepted?

(Huntsville Green Team)

Operation Christmas Cleanup is sponsored by the City of Huntsville’s Green Team, City of Madison, Madison County Solid Waste Disposal Authority and its curbside recycling program, Recycling Alliance of North Alabama.

They will be taking the following items:

  • Batteries
  • Cardboard boxes—break them down + flatten them first
  • Electronics
  • Real Christmas trees

There are a few rules.

  • Remove all lights + ornaments from the tree
  • No artificial trees
  • No wrapping paper or packaging materials such as Styrofoam, plastic, etc.

Rain Date

As we all know, the weather may not cooperate this time of year. In case of rain or snow, the event will take place on Saturday, January 14.

For more information about Huntsville-area recycling efforts, go to or visit the City’s Green Team.

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Patrick Byington
Patrick Byington
Articles: 8