Huntsville Beautification Awards – here are the 5 district winners

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Huntsville Beautification Awards were given to five recipients last week. (City of Huntsville)

The City of Huntsville recently announced the winners of its annual Huntsville Beautification Awards, with winners from five districts and recognition for one of the Beautification Board members and one of the board’s volunteers.

Check out who won this year’s awards below:

Huntsville Beautification Award winners

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Oakwood University received The Mayor’s Award at the Huntsville Beautification Awards ceremony. (Huntsville Beautification Baord via Facebook)

In the first Beautification Awards ceremony since 2019, area businesses and landscapers were recognized for outstanding efforts to keep properties clean, visually pleasing and well-maintained.

The Huntsville Beautification Board, which judged more than 500 properties, gave Beautification Awards to 386 properties. The Mayor’s Award, which is earned by receiving a perfect score by three judges, went to Oakwood University.

Additional awards were presented to the following winners:

  • District 1 – Blue Spring Church of Christ
  • District 2 – Walton’s Mountain
  • District 3 – Office Park South
  • District 4 – Dr. John Barnes
  • District 5 – Villas at Research Park
  • Beautification Board Special Recognition – Dick Christiansen
  • Green Team Volunteer Recognition – Erick Wade

‘Pride in our community’

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The Huntsville Beautification Awards were presented to 386 properties in 2022. (City of Huntsville)

Mayor Tommy Battle, who was on hand to present the awards at a ceremony Aug. 5, said the awards not only honor those who have a green thumb, so to speak, but they represent a pride in the communities in which these winners live.

“The Beautification program elevates pride of place in our community. When I see the list of award winners, I know each location is carefully attended by people who believe in bringing joy to others. I am grateful to the Beautification Board for recognizing these ongoing efforts to make Huntsville a very special place.”

Mayor Tommy Battle

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Michael Seale
Michael Seale
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