Huntsville City Schools to build new central office, tech center

Reading time: 3 minutes

Supt Finley at CTE Announce
Huntsville City Schools superintendent Christie Finley announced plans for a new central office and tech education center. (Huntsville City Schools)

Huntsville City Schools and the City of Huntsville announced this week plans for a new central office for HCS and a new tech education center for the school system.

Superintendent Christie Finley said the new office and tech academy will be built on property located at the intersection of North Memorial Parkway and Max Luther Drive.  

New facilities made possible through city donations

Central Office CTE Center Architect Rendering
HCS and the City of Huntsville revealed plans for the new central office facility. (Huntsville City Schools)

The new central office building and new tech center was made possible through two major donations to HCS by the City of Huntsville.

The Huntsville City Council unanimously approved an agreement to donate the approximately 14 acres of property to HCS, and the city will also donate $1 million to HCS for reimbursement when the project is completed.

Here are some more details on the project:

  • Construction is expected to begin within the next year, and the building is tentatively scheduled to be completed by summer 2025 subject to supply chain availability.
  • The district is currently planning to move into the new central office and for students to begin the school year at the new facility during the fall 2025 semester.  
  • The school system will provide the city with $100 at closing for the purchase as part of the agreement. The land will be declared as surplus property at closing.  
  • More than 5,000 students are currently enrolled in Career & Technical Education in HCS. HCS has approximately 20 career tech programs.

What HCS, Huntsville leaders are saying

Mayor Battle at CTE ANnounce
Mayor Tommy Battle said the partnership with HCS is important for building future leaders. (Huntsville City Schools)

Mayor Tommy Battle was on hand at the announcement, along with Finley, and both stressed the importance of the partnership between the city and its school system.

“We are grateful and we are committed to being good stewards of this gift which will ultimately benefit 23,000 students and this community. At this new center, we will be able to increase student participation, increase partnerships, expand program opportunities, and ultimately help build our workforce here in Huntsville.”

HCS Superintendent Christie Finley

Battle agreed with Finley.

“From the research labs at Hudson Alpha to the production lines at Toyota, preparing today’s students to meet the challenges of tomorrow is critical to our success. We’re excited to donate this property because strong administrative leadership, combined with a world-class career tech program, will produce positive impacts far beyond Max Luther Drive. No matter where these young men and women launch their careers, they can proudly say they are the products of Huntsville City Schools.” 

Mayor Tommy Battle

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Michael Seale
Michael Seale
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