Huntsville ranked 2nd most affordable and family friendly city

space and rocket center
We’re renowned as both affordable and family friendly now (Lacey Muenstermann / Hville Blast)

Once again, Huntsville has been ranked very highly on a popular moving website for most affordable and family friendly cities. Read more about this ranking below.

Why Huntsville made the family friendly list

No one who lives in Huntsville can deny the family friendly atmosphere the Rocket City has to offer. Thanks to this new ranking, moveBuddha is officially recognizing that.

MoveBuddha is an online moving resource challenging the stigma that moving has to be a frustrating hassle. They aim to provide all the right resources to make your move fully informed with the best companies, rates and information you could ask for.

Recently they released a report on sixteen US cities that were most family friendly oriented and affordable. Number one was listed as Broken Arrow Oklahoma, with Huntsville ranking right behind them.

family friendly city
Huntsville is renowned for its family oriented atmosphere. (Lacey Spear / Hville Blast)

Reported statistics

Here are the stats listed in the ranking:

  • Median home price: $281,657
  • In-to-out move ratio: 1.33
  • Population (2023est): 225,564
  • Crime and safety score: B-
  • Public schools score: B+

“It seems like the space race is still landing tons of young families in this affordable, safe town. Rocket City is known for its aerospace industry, but it’s earning accolades for its low housing costs.”

More news is good news

Read the full ranking here. It’s been a great year for Huntsville’s national rankings! It’s a lot of fun seeing Huntsville get national attention.

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Joey Luria
Joey Luria
Articles: 61