Huntsville Transit to honor Rosa Parks with free bus rides - Hville Blast

Huntsville Transit to honor Rosa Parks with free bus rides

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Rosa Parks
Rosa Parks Day is Dec. 1. (“One person can change the world, Rosa Parks, 1913-2005” by Jeanne Menjoulet is licensed under CC BY-ND 2.0)

Rosa Parks Day is Friday, Dec. 1, and the City of Huntsville will honor the holiday’s namesake by offering free rides that day on Huntsville Transit buses.

This year marks the 68th anniversary of the day Parks refused to give up her seat and move to a “colored” section of a Montgomery bus.

Free rides for Rosa Parks Day

rosa parks
Huntsville Transit will honor Rosa Parks Friday on all of its buses. (City of Huntsville)

In addition to Friday’s free rides, a seat at the front of each fixed-route bus features a black cover and pink sash bearing Parks’ name. This is the sixth year Huntsville Transit has celebrated the holiday.

“In honoring the impact of Rosa Parks, whose courageous act sparked a pivotal moment in history, Huntsville Transit is committed to promoting inclusivity and accessibility in our community. It’s a pleasure to not only honor her courageous act, but also provide an opportunity for people to try Transit for free and see what we’re about.”

Quisha Bryant, director of Huntsville’s Parking and Public Transportation Department

What is Rosa Parks Day?

Rosa Parks gives a speech at the Poor Peoples March in 1968
Parks refused to give up her seat on a Montgomery bus back in 1955. (Photo by Unseen Histories on Unsplash)

In 2018, the Alabama Legislature unanimously approved a bill declaring Dec. 1 as Rosa Parks Day in the state, making Alabama one of four states to designate holidays in honor of Parks and marking the first Alabama holiday to honor a woman.

Dec. 1 marks the anniversary of Parks’ historic 1955 arrest after she refused to give up her seat on a Montgomery city bus to a white male passenger.

Her arrest sparked a boycott of Montgomery city buses by the African American community, which led to the desegregation of Montgomery’s public bus system. 

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Michael Seale
Michael Seale
Articles: 1673