Huntsville Transit opinions? The city wants to hear them

Reading time: 2 minutes

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The City of Huntsville is seeking public input on the Huntsville Transit system. (City of Huntsville)

A city growing as quickly as Huntsville is likely needs to have a reliable and strong public transportation system, and the City of Huntsville wants just that — but needs some public input.

The city will hold a series of meetings to get public feedback on the Huntsville transit system. Here’s how to make your opinions heard:

Huntsville Transit feedback meetings

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The new Huntsville Transit station will be at 521 Pratt Ave. (City of Huntsville)

Four community outreach meetings will be held Nov. 15-16 to solicit feedback from residents about Huntsville Transit’s challenges or successes. The meetings represent a final feedback opportunity as officials work toward an updated Transit Improvement Plan.

The community outreach meetings will be as follows:

  • Tuesday, Nov. 15: Downtown Library (2nd floor meeting room), 915 Monroe St. SW, 5-6:30PM
  • Wednesday, Nov. 16: Huntsville Transit Station, 500 Church St. NW, 6:45-9:30AM
  • Wednesday, Nov. 16: Huntsville Transit Station, 12:45-3:30PM
  • Wednesday, Nov. 16: North Huntsville Library, 3011 Sparkman Drive NW, 5-6:30PM

Previous meetings bring up concerns

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Residents have expressed concerns about Huntsville’s transit system in previous meetings. (City of Huntsville)

The city already received some feedback in similar meetings in September. Four meetings were held in September, at which riders expressed an interest in:

  • Sunday service
  • More frequent and later routes
  • Expanded routes to new areas

Quisha Bryant, Director of the City’s Parking and Public Transportation Department, said she hopes more residents will attend the next round of meetings and provide valuable input.

“Huntsville Transit wants to serve all of Huntsville, which is why it’s important to hear from as many people as possible. Even those who aren’t riders may have valuable feedback that could help guide our current operations as well as our future efforts.”

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Michael Seale
Michael Seale
Articles: 1667