Huntsville’s new city clerk is a ‘rising star’

Reading time: 3 minutes

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The City of Huntsville named Shaundrika Edwards its new city clerk this week. (City of Huntsville)

The City of Huntsville announced this week that Shaundrika Edwards will assume the duties of city clerk after a month in an interim role and more than five years working for the city’s Human Resources department.

Edwards was endorsed fully by Mayor Tommy Battle. Here’s a little more info on Huntsville’s new city clerk:

A ‘rising star’ at City Hall

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Edwards has worked at City Hall for more than five years. (Hville Blast)

Mayor Tommy Battle referred to Edwards in Thursday night’s Huntsville City Council meeting as a “rising star” and praised her deep background in organizational development and personnel management has prepared her well for the meticulous demands of City Clerk.

As the new city clerk, Edwards will manage the highest level of municipal affairs and serve as the municipality’s official record keeper and election manager.

The clerk’s office is responsible for records maintenance on rules, ordinances, policy resolutions, agendas and minutes for council and other meetings. This includes directing the origination, maintenance, retrieval, archiving, release, distribution, safety and overall management of documentation.

“We are delighted Shaundrika Edwards has agreed to take on this important role, and we are confident she will do an amazing job for the city and our citizens.”

Mayor Tommy Battle

In addition to the numerous tasks required of a city clerk, Battle has also tasked Edwards with serving as a liaison to the City’s outside agencies included in the annual budget appropriations.

Meet your new city clerk

Shaundrika Edwards has been the interim clerk since March. (LinkedIn)

Edwards joined the City of Huntsville’s Human Resources Department in 2017 and now replaces Ken Benion, who retired from the City last month after 13 years of service as city clerk.

Edwards earned a bachelor’s degree in Human Resources from the University of Alabama in Huntsville, and a master’s degree from Troy University. Prior to working at City Hall, she held HR positions at AAR Corp. and PPG Industries.

“It is an honor to be considered by Administration for such a position as this. I am beyond grateful for the opportunity. After 13 years in the Human Resources field in both the private and public sector, I look forward to a new challenge and continuing to support the Mayor and his vision for the Office of the City Clerk and City of Huntsville.”

Shaundrika Edwards, Huntsville’s new city clerk

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Michael Seale
Michael Seale
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