Job seekers: more than 14k jobs available in Huntsville area

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Huntsville 2022 357
There are more than 14,000 jobs available in the Huntsville area. (Nathan Watson / Hville Blast)

If you are looking for a job in the Huntsville area, you are in luck, because shows more than 14,000 available jobs in the area, in a wide range of fields.

Check out who is hiring in the Huntsville area now:

Read more: Job seekers: more than 14k jobs available in Huntsville area

Huntsville has plenty of open healthcare, retail, hospitality jobs

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Huntsville Hospital has more than 1,000 open positions right now. (Huntsville Hospital via Facebook)

Of the 14,000+ jobs available in the Huntsville area, the employers with the most positions open are in healthcare, retail and in the food service and hospitality sector.

Here are the 10 employers with most open positions:

UAH, Dynetics and more Huntsville employers hiring

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UAH has 71 jobs available at the moment. (Jacob Blankenship / Hville Blast)

In addition to the employers listed above, thousands more jobs are available in the Huntsville area, including at the University of Alabama in Huntsville, H& R Block and Dynetics.

The Huntsville metro area currently has an unemployment rate of 1.9 percent, which is lower than the state unemployment rate of 2.6 percent.

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Michael Seale
Michael Seale
Articles: 1665