Local organizations aim to make biking in Huntsville easier

Reading time: 3 minutes

The City of Huntsville and some local organizations are making biking easier. (City of Huntsville)

If there is a common complaint among Huntsvillians these days, it’s traffic. As the city continues its exponential growth, the number of cars on the roads is cause for concern.

This is why the City of Huntsville and some local organizations are trying to make the Rocket City more pedestrian and bicycle friendly.

Huntsville Urban Bike Share Co-op promotes biking in Huntsville

Huntsville Urban Bike Share Co-op is a local nonprofit that is trying to make bike commuting and active transportation in Huntsville as easy as possible.

HUBS Co-op hosts community events — including a bike safety rodeo for kids — and runs an “Earn-a-Bike program,” fixing donated bikes to give to people in need of transportation.

“We are trying to put more bikes on the street in the hopes that with more bikes and more biking and more pedestrians and more active transportation, we can start to make some headway with the traffic engineers.”

Larry Mason, executive director, Huntsville Urban Bike Share Co-op

In May, HUBS Co-op launched a new bike share system in Cummings Research Park, to make bicycles more prolific and visible in the car-centric research park. The program is designed to encourage knowledge workers in the park to consider bike commuting.

The Blue Bikes Bike Share program has three pilot locations inside the Park:

  • The Point @ Lake 4 Station: 900 Explorer Blvd NW
  • Discovery Station: 635 Discovery Drive
  • Enterprise Station: Near 1051 Enterprise Way (At Enterprise/Discovery intersection)

Bicycle Advisory Safety Committee

The Huntsville Bicycle Advisory and Safety Committee (BASC) provides knowledge about cycling to advance education, enable planning, encourage cycling, and develop safe transportation facilities in the Huntsville area.

It is made up of cyclists and City of Huntsville staff that meet monthly to discuss non-motorized transportation to generate public awareness and support for this initiative.

Huntsville’s bike share program

Huntsville bike share program has been popular. (City of Huntsville)

With 30 bikes at 11 stations and affordable pricing, Huntsville’s bike share program is an easy way to get around town while also reducing the number of cars on the roads.

To check out a bike at any station in downtown or CRP, riders can download the Movatic app, available on the App Store and Google Play. The app makes it easy to create an account, add a credit card, sign up for a membership, or pay by the 30 minutes.

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Michael Seale
Michael Seale
Articles: 1673