Looking for a new job? Here are more than 15k openings in Huntsville

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If you are looking for a new job this week, more than 15,000 jobs are listed for the Huntsville area. (Hville Blast)

We are lucky to live in some pretty active times here in the Huntsville job market, as the Rocket City boasts the lowest unemployment rate in the country, and consistently has thousands of open jobs in the area.

This week is no exception, as more than 15,000 jobs are listed in the Rocket City. So if you are looking for a new job in a fabulous city, here you go:

Health care, retail, tech jobs in high demand

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Huntsville Hospital has more than 800 open positions. (Michael Seale/Hville Blast)

Like the last several weeks, jobs in health care, retail, technology and hospitality dominate the job market in Huntsville. So if you are looking for a new job in one of these fields, you are in luck!

Here are the employers in the area with the most open positions:

A great week for looking for a new job

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Looking for a new job is easy in Huntsville! (Hville Blast)

If you check out all the listings in the Huntsville area on Indeed.com, you’ll find more than 15,000 jobs available in the area in a variety of fields.

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Michael Seale
Michael Seale
Articles: 1673