Community Garden’s new haul provides food for seniors

Reading time: 2 minutes

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The community garden on Meridian Street yielded about 5,000 ears of corn. (Violet Edwards)

The concept of a community garden is nothing new, as communities have been utilizing these types of gardens since human learned to grow and harvest crops. But nowadays, when food is expensive, people order their groceries to be delivered or just take a quick trip to the store for our produce, we sometimes forget how valuable these gardens are.

In Huntsville, the community garden, located between the Drake State and Alabama A&M campuses on Meridian Street, has been giving back to the Madison County community for years. And recently, the garden yielded one of the largest hauls of freshly grown produce in quite a while.

A massive haul from the garden

The community garden at Alabama A&M yielded hundreds of pounds of fresh produce that was delivered to seniors in Madison County. (Violet Edwards)

Madison County Commissioner Violet Edwards announced via social media last week that the garden yielded a significant haul of produce that was given to the community’s seniors.

Edwards said this past week volunteers gathered:

  • Approximately 5,000 ears of corn
  • Dozens of crates of zucchini and squash
  • Dozens of bags of greens

While volunteers are counted on to pick the vegetables harvested for the community’s seniors, anyone who wishes to take advantage of the garden is welcome. The Madison County Community Garden is open to the public and picking time is from dawn to dusk. The vegetables are free (as are the beautiful sunflowers grown there!).

Those picking from the garden are asked to take only what they and their families need.

How to get involved

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Look at all of these greens! (Violet Edwards)

Anyone interested in volunteering to pick produce to be donated to seniors in the community can contact Commissioner Violet Edwards’ office at 256-532-1505 or by email.

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Michael Seale
Michael Seale
Articles: 1673