Madison County residents will get new recycling carts this week

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New recycling carts are being delivered to Madison County residents this week. (Michael Seale / Hville Blast)

The City of Huntsville, Madison County and the City of Madison announced that nearly 2,000 new recycling carts are being delivered to residents this week.

Some of the new carts are going to residents who have requested a second cart, and others are being delivered to residents new to the RANA program. Learn more below:

Read more: Madison County residents will get new recycling carts this week

Recycling is catching on

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Nearly 2,000 new recycling carts will be delivered to Madison County residents this week. (RANA)

After the new recycling carts are delivered this week, the total number of Recycling Alliance of North Alabama carts on the streets will exceed 98,000. This is up from the total of 50,007 carts deployed when the program began in August 2019.

“Our homeowners and residents are the reason the RANA program continues to grow. Some of the new carts are going to residents who have requested a second cart, and others are being delivered to residents new to the RANA program.”

John “Doc” Holladay, executive director of the Solid Waste Disposal Authority of the City of Huntsville

Approximately $2 million of grant funding has been awarded to RANA’s community partners by the Alabama Department of Environmental Management’s Alabama Recycling Fund over the last three years.

These grants helped defray a portion of the costs associated with the initial purchase of the 95-gallon rolling carts.

More about recycling

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Be sure what you place in your recycling container is actually recyclable. (RANA via Facebook)

RANA encourages program participants to place only acceptable materials loose in the blue carts. Those include:

  • Metal (aluminum and steel bi-metal cans)
  • Paper products (newspapers, magazines and catalogs, paper bags, computer paper)
  • Cardboard (must be broken down and fit into the container)
  • #1 and #2 plastic bottles (water and soda bottles, laundry detergent containers, milk cartons)

Here’s what NOT to place in recycling carts:

  • Glass
  • Pizza boxes
  • Styrofoam
  • Electronics
  • Yard waste
  • Paint cans, chemicals
  • Plastic wrap
  • Aerosol cans
  • Wide-mouthed plastic containers (yogurt, sour cream, cottage cheese containers)
  • Deli trays/fruit containers

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Michael Seale
Michael Seale
Articles: 1665