Madison voters make decision on city manager proposal
Reading time: 2 minutes

Voters in Madison took to the polls Tuesday to vote on a possible change in the form of government in the city — switching from the current mayor/council format to a city manager and council government. Voters decided to keep things as they are.
That’s putting it lightly. In fact, voters overwhelmingly rejected the city manager proposal Tuesday. Here’s more info:
‘No’ wins out in city manager vote

The unofficial results of the vote is 5,553 votes against changing to a city manager format, and 1,865 votes for the change. It definitely looks like Madison voters want to keep things as they are.
In the council-mayor form, the mayor is elected apart from the legislative body and oversees administrative tasks.
In the council-manager format, the city manager handles the administrative tasks, while the mayor resides on the city council and sets the vision for the city.
Had voters approved the change, Madison would have joined just 12 other cities in Alabama with this government format—the largest being Auburn.
Mayor praises voter turnout

Mayor Paul Finley, who had not endorsed a side in the election, praised the people of Madison for coming out to vote on the matter, expressing that the voters showed their strength in numbers.
“The City of Madison was happy to see engaged citizens for this election. Our community voiced its opinion to continue operating under a Mayor-Council form of government. We have a proven track record of success with this form of government, and we have managed growth and numerous projects for long-term progress. Your elected officials will continue to work hard for quality of life in Madison. Whichever way you cast your vote, as Council and Mayor, we are encouraged in our community’s involvement with municipal government.”
Mayor Paul Finley
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