Mayor Battle’s State of the City address highlights ‘Building for the future’

Reading time: 3 minutes

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Mayor Tommy Battle’s State of the City address focused on the city’s massive growth this year. (City of Huntsville)

Mayor Tommy Battle gave his State of the City address this week, and discussed the rapid growth of Huntsville and how the city is “building for the future.”

This was Battle’s 14th address since being elected in 2008. The sold-out gathering was hosted by the Huntsville/Madison County Chamber and is the group’s largest annual event. Here are some highlights:

Read more: Mayor Battle’s State of the City address highlights ‘Building for the future’

State of the City – Quality of Life Infrastructure

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Huntsville’s infrastructure must stay ahead of its rapid growth. (Jacob Blankenship / Hville Blast)

The theme of Mayor Battle’s address was Quality of Life Infrastructure. He explained that investments in roads, greenways, parks and other amenities benefit citizens but are also being made with future generations in mind.

Among the many projects to see fruition over the next few years is the second phase of Mayor Battle’s Restore Our Roads initiative. The projects, which will cost an estimated $800 million, will enhance traffic flow around the City and in and out of Redstone Arsenal.

“With growth, we may not be able to provide an 18-minute commute for everyone, but we’re working to keep traffic moving, safe and manageable. None of these projects would be possible without careful planning, wise spending and strong relationships with our regional, state and federal partners.”

Mayor Tommy Battle

Battle’s slideshow presentation can be seen here.

Huntsville’s historic growth

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Mayor Battle’s State of the City address highlighted the city’s residential and commercial growth. (Nathan Watson / Hville Blast)

Also in Battle’s State of the City address, he discussed the city’s historic growth in the commercial, industrial and residential construction sectors. He said the city’s Inspections Department issued more certificates of occupancy in the last year since the department began keeping records in 1983.

Battle also highlighted the 24% growth in employment in the Huntsville metro area over the past 12 years.

“Anyone who wants a well-paying job in Huntsville can find one. Now that we’re on the map, folks are checking us out. We’re in the enviable position, and we’ve got great stories to tell.”

Mayor Tommy Battle

Watch the State of the City address video here, from WHNT:

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Michael Seale
Michael Seale
Articles: 1658