Nearly 15k job openings are currently listed in the Huntsville area

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Crestwood Medical Center has 175 job openings listed this week. (Crestwood Medical Center)

The job market in Huntsville and surrounding areas continues to flourish, as nearly 15,000 open positions are currently listed in and around the Rocket City on this week.

As the trend continues, healthcare jobs make up a large percentage of the current openings in the area, as Huntsville Hospital and Crestwood Medical Center have hundreds of job openings at the moment. Check the current listings below:

Healthcare and retail jobs in demand

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Dollar General has more than 300 jobs posted on (Dollar General via Facebook)

Healthcare providers like those listed by Crestwood Medical Center are scattered throughout the list of employers with the most positions available in the area. Here are the 10 local employers with the most job openings:

Kroger, Calhoun Community College + more employers with job openings

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Calhoun Community College has more than 60 job openings at the moment. (Calhoun Community College via Facebook)

In addition to the companies listed above, businesses like Kroger supermarkets and Burger King have dozens of job openings, and Calhoun Community College has more than 60 open positions.

Check out and find a job that is right for you!

Check back with us in a couple of weeks for more job news. Also, follow Hville Blast on FacebookTikTok and Instagram, and be sure to subscribe to our newsletter so you don’t miss announcements on what’s happening in and around Huntsville.

Michael Seale
Michael Seale
Articles: 1665