New rec center coming to Huntsville – here’s what to know

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A new rec center in west Huntsville was approved by the Huntsville City Council Thursday night. (City of Huntsville)

West Huntsville is getting a new rec center! The Huntsville City Council Thursday night approved the purchase of approximately five acres of land on Martin Road just west of the intersection with Zeirdt Road for this project.

The project could be complete by the end of 2024. Here’s what to know:

Read more: New rec center coming to Huntsville – here’s what to know

The new rec center

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The new rec center will be located off Zierdt Road in west Huntsville. (Huntsville Parks & Recreation)

Residents in west Huntsville have been requesting a recreation center to serve their growing neighborhoods, and they’ll have one — perhaps by the end of next year, according to the Parks & Recreation Department.

Here are a few details about the new rec center:

  • Indoor athletic courts and fitness rooms will provide area residents recreational opportunities that can be enjoyed regardless of the weather.
  • Meeting space within the center will provide a safe environment for area seniors to coalesce and interact.
  • The new recreation center is expected to open in late 2024 or early 2025.

“We’ll enter a 60-day due diligence period to conduct environmental testing and Geotech studies to make sure the site can accommodate our plans. Once the City closes on the purchase, the General Services and Parks & Recreation Departments will immediately begin the design process and roll into construction.”

City administrator John Hamilton

The latest rec center project

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The Sandra Moon Community Complex is another recent project approved for Huntsville Parks & Recreation. (Huntsville Parks & Recreation)

This new rec center project is just the latest in a series of projects approved in the last year related to recreation and fitness. Just a couple of weeks ago, the Huntsville City Council approved projects at the Sandra Moon Community Complex and the Hays Farm Sports Park.

In October of 2022, the Council gave the go-ahead for the new John Hunt Park Rec Center, which will be 53,000-square-foot center at 3035 Leeman Ferry Road. Also at John Hunt Park will be the Raymond W. Jones Community Center, which is currently under construction.

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Michael Seale
Michael Seale
Articles: 1658