New Starbucks coming to MidCity District

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A new Starbucks location is expected to open in the MidCity District next year. (MidCity District via Facebook)

It seems like almost weekly we hear some news about more growth in the MidCity District in Huntsville, and this week is no different, as an announcement was made that a new Starbucks location will open in the district next year.

MidCity District made the announcement on social media Thursday afternoon.

More about the new Starbucks

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The new MidCity Starbucks is in a prime location. (MidCity District via Facebook)

Here are some details about the new Starbucks location at MidCity:

  • The MidCity Starbucks is set to open in the summer of 2023.
  • This will be a new 2,500-square-foot building with a drive-thru.
  • This development is sitting at a prime location just seconds from HWY 72 Corridor and Cummings Research Park.

Are you excited about this new MidCity Starbucks? Tell us your opinion on FacebookTikTok and Instagram, and don’t forget to subscribe to our newsletter!

Michael Seale
Michael Seale
Articles: 1641