Local Artist Robert Bean hosts oil painting demonstration at Huntsville Museum of Art

Reading time: 2 minutes

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Robert Bean’s “Gathering” mural can be seen in downtown Huntsville. (City of Huntsville)

Huntsvillians have likely seen the artwork of Robert Bean without actually knowing it was his work. Bean has been one of the prominant mural artists in Huntsville, and his work can be seen in multiple locations the downtown area.

This week at the Huntsville Museum of Art, Bean will be on hand to give an oil painting demonstration. Read more to find out how you can participate.

How to participate in the art demonstration

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Bean’s demonstration of oil painting will take place at the Huntsville Museum of Art May 26. (Nathan Watson / Hville Blast)

Here are the deatils of the event hosted by Bean:

Meet Robert Bean

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Huntsville artist Robert Bean teaches art classes at UAH. (Huntsville Museum of Art)

Bean, a Huntsville residents, earned a B.F.A. from Mississippi State University and M.F.A. from Louisiana State University, where he taught classes in figure painting and drawing.

He currently teaches classes at UAH in the Department of Art, Art History and Design and the Huntsville Museum of Art Academy. His works have been in group and solo exhibitions.

“I use my art as a way to communicate with and understand the world around me. Because we all see the world through our own perceptions I try to create narrative paintings that incorporate personal subject matter and symbols while using more universal themes and archetypes to create a series of paintings that work as a whole.”

Robert Bean

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Michael Seale
Michael Seale
Articles: 1473