2 amazing solar eclipse viewing parties in Huntsville

Reading time: 2 minutes

artemis i astronomical events solar eclipse
This ring of fire eclipse will light up the sky. (Nathan Watson / Hville Blast)

Did you know about the upcoming solar eclipse this Saturday, Oct. 14? It will be the last annular solar eclipse for another year, so you definitely do not want to miss out on this spectacular astronomical event. Look in the sky — with proper eye protection, of course — between 10:38AM-1:42PM for the phenomenon. Maximum coverage is expected to happen at 12:07PM.

Surround yourself with friends or family at these viewing events, where there will be experts and all the materials you’ll need to safely watch the eclipse.

What is a solar eclipse?

A solar eclipse occurs when the Moon passes between the Earth and the Sun, casting a massive shadow on Earth.

The upcoming eclipse is known as an annular solar eclipse, which means the Moon will be at its farthest point from the Earth during the event. Because of this, the Moon looks smaller than usual, making it look as if there’s a ring of fire in the sky.

U.S. Space + Rocket Center

space and rocket center
What better place to view the eclipse than from the home of the Saturn V rocket. (Lacey Spear / Hville Blast)

Visit the U.S. Space & Rocket Center this Saturday for hands-on activities, presentations and solar telescopes available to all guests between 9AM-2PM. The Von Braun Astronomical Society, NASA and The University of Alabama in Huntsville (UAH) students will be present. All the aforementioned fun will be included with general admission.

Teen Maker Hour will also be happening at this time, and will teach teens 12 and up who sign up about solar eclipse science, providing them with materials to create their own solar-powered critter.

UAH Campus

uah campus
UAH’s College of Engineering is ranked as the second best engineering school in Alabama. (Hville Blast)

View the solar eclipse for free on the UAH Charger Union Lawn in the breezeway, where there will be eclipse activities, a solar viewing tent, Galileoscopes with sun funnels and solar viewers. The event is open to anyone and will take place between 10:30AM-1:30PM.

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Curtis Venetta
Curtis Venetta
Articles: 190