Strange things to do in Huntsville that you haven’t heard of

Hays nature preserve of swinging bench with pond behind.
A beautiful swinging bench at Hays Nature Preserve. (McCarley Northway / Hville Blast)

People assume that all Huntsville has to offer are museums, the Space and Rocket Center and a few nice parks. Well, we wanted to share a few strange activities you can try for your next date night or experience with friends in Huntsville.

Take a helicopter tour

blue and black helicopter on brown field during daytime, strange
Go on an amazing helicopter tour around Huntsville. (Photo by Angus Gray on Unsplash)

Rocket City Helicopters would make an extravagant date night for you and your partner. They have served the Brownsboro and Huntsville area since 2013 and offer services like helicopter rides, tours, instruction, maintenance and North Alabama’s only Robinson Service Center.

This is a veteran and locally owned business that would be nothing short of amazing for your next adventure.

Fall + Christmas train ride

train at North Alabama Railroad museum.
Visit the trains at the North Alabama Railroad Museum. (McCarley Northway / Hville Blast)

At the North Alabama Railroad Museum, there are serveral fall and Christmas rides coming up. You can check out their 2023 excursion schedule to catch their next train ride so make sure to get your tickets before they sell out.

They have a “Punkin’ Pickin’ Extravaganza” happening on October 14 at 9:30AM, 11AM, 1PM and 2:30PM that would be perfect for the whole family to attend.

Go on a caving tour

Photo of three caves at Land trust.
Three caves trail at Land Trust of North Alabama. (McCarley Northway/ Hville Blast)

Did you know that Huntsville has its own chapter of the National Speleological Society? The Huntsville Grotto offers two types of cave adventures each month for enthusiasts of all levels — the horizontal trip and the verticle trip.

The horizontal trip is open to everyone, regardless of experience or membership status. It’s designed to introduce beginners to the world of caving. The verticle trip is for those with specialized equipment and training. The Huntsville Grotto members share a profound love for caves and the art of caving itself.

Take scuba lessons

person sitting in front of body of water
Take a dive with Southeastern Divers, Inc. (Photo by Laya Clode on Unsplash)

At Southeastern Divers, Inc. you can try out scuba or become a certified diver. They have a scuba program that costs $25 and begins at 6PM on the first and third Wednesday of each month. The pool they use is heated and would be perfect to try out if you are looking for a new exciting hobby.

Lowe Mill ARTS & Entertainment

Inside of the Lowe Mill building.
There are lots of local artists and shops inside Lowe Mill. (Hville Bast)

I’m sure you’ve heard about Lowe Mill, but have you actually been before? I experienced it for the first time a few weeks ago as a Huntsville native and was very upset that I had not made it a point to visit before then.

Lowe Mill is the nation’s largest privately owned arts and entertainment center with 158 public studios and over 200 working artists. If you visit Lowe Mill or go to their awesome “Concerts on the Doc” event, you will be blown away by how different this place is from other entertainment spots in Huntsville.

Walk at McMillian Double Helix Park

beautiful sunset at the double helix park.
Beautiful sunset at McMillian Double Helix Park. (McCarley Northway / Hville Blast)

This park was something that I stumbled upon one day when looking for a new place to go on an evening walk.

HudsonAlpha added McMillian Park in 2010 as a part of the campus expansion project. Through the park, you’ll find a path shaped like a symbolic double helix. There are markers to represent each of the 24 human chromosomes named the Genome Walk.

Once you arrive, you will see a sign giving directions on how to download a trivia game app so that you can play while you are walking the trail.

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McCarley Northway
McCarley Northway
Articles: 14