THEN AND NOW: Lowe Mill in the 90s

then and now
Lowe Mill has changed a lot over the years.

Huntsville is full of history and has seen a lot of change over the years. Some changes are easier to see than others (like Midcity) but most change is more gradual.

To make the differences from then and now easier to see, we’ve recreated some photos of Lowe Mill from the 90s to highlight how this historic location in Huntsville has changed over the years.

Then and now:

2211 seminole drive sw t10 d110530 ch0001 s0021
“View – from left to right – of warehouses, water tower, and southeast corner of north section of mill.” (Jet Lowe / HHC)
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This picture highlights the artistic nature of the mill now, with murals on the outside of the building and the logo on the water tower that were absent in the picture from the 90s. (Christian Stanfield / Hville Blast)
2211 seminole drive sw t10 d110530 ch0001 s0017
“View looking northeast of south section of the mill. Note base of boiler stack dust collectors.” (Jet Lowe / HHC)
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This part of the mill doesn’t see a ton of foot-traffic so it’s still pretty similar to how it looked in the 90s. (Christian Stanfield / Hville Blast)
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“Interior view of second floor of north section of mill, looking north showing structural system.” (Jet Lowe / HHC)
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This section of Lowe Mill is now used for studio spaces. The ceiling has been repainted, but the flooring is all original and still has the same guiding lines that were painted on them. (Christian Stanfield / Hville Blast)
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“Detail view of window bays on south elevation of south section of mill.” (Jet Lowe / HHC)
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This section is pretty unchanged except for the addition of a set of stairs leading to the second floor. (Christian Stanfield / Hville Blast)
2211 seminole drive sw t10 d110530 ch0001 s0019
“Southeast elevation of north section of mill.” (Jet Lowe / HHC)
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This section is pretty similar except for the addition of a section of building under the windows on the right of the building. (Christian Stanfield / Hville Blast)
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This is the only picture that is uncredited. The date is also unknown. (Huntsville Madison County Public Library / HHC)
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I think it’s fitting that a woman is riding her bike in the original picture since this building is now a bicycle shop. I also like that the water tower is obscured in both pictures but by different trees. (Christian Stanfield / Hville Blast)

Most of the original pictures were taken by Jet Lowe in 1997 and made available through the Huntsville History Collection by the Historic American Building Survey and the Library of Congress. You can find all of the original photos and more here.

If you like seeing these changes, we’ve also recreated photos of downtown Huntsville.

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Christian Stanfield
Christian Stanfield
Articles: 80