Why these 2 doctors love their jobs at Huntsville’s new Heart Center Pediatric Cardiology


Dr. Caicedo + Dr. Singhapakdi at Huntsville Hospital pediatric heart center
Dr. Singhapakdi (left) + Dr. Caicedo (right) at Huntsville Hospital’s new pediatric heart center. (Lacey Muenstermann / Hville Blast)

Recently, we got to meet up with two of the most fun doctors in Huntsville to learn why they love working with kids at the new pediatric heart center in town. Read on to get to know them more, plus learn about the incredible care they’re providing for the Rocket City.

Meet Dr. Caicedo + Dr. Singhapakdi

Both Dr. Caicedo and Dr. Singhapakdi recently moved to Huntsville for the opening of the new pediatric heart center after finishing up their cardiology fellowships.

Check out a few fun facts about each of them:

Dr. Caicedo:

  • Originally from Ecuador
  • Lives in downtown Huntsville
  • Loves running
  • Big fan of playing sports—soccer, basketball + tennis
  • Just started playing pickleball with his girlfriend

Dr. Singhapakdi:

  • Her fiancé also works as a doctor at Huntsville Hospital
  • She has two way-too-energetic dogs named Simba + Nala
  • She loves going hiking
  • She’s a huge reader

Q: Why did you decide to become a cardiologist?

Doctors at Huntsville Hospital pediatric heart center
The pediatric heart center at Huntsville Hospital is an incredible resource for our community. (Lacey Muenstermann / Hville Blast)

Becoming a cardiologist is not for the faint of heart, so check out why Dr. Caicedo and Dr. Singhapakdi decided to choose it as a career.

“I have been interested in cardiology since I was an undergraduate student. I always wanted to do a pediatric cardiology fellowship. I love working with kids.

I decided to come to the U.S. for my fellowship because there isn’t a hospital that offers a pediatric fellowship in Ecuador.

But even being here, I can see that there’s a lack of specialists for the pediatric population, so the work we’re doing is very important.”

Dr. Caicedo

“I was born and raised in the South—in Georgia. I trained in the South my whole life, including my time in New Orleans. It’s been a blessing to continue to work in an area that’s so near to my heart.

I’ve always been focused on the health challenges kids face in terms of health disparities. Cardiology is something that encompasses so many areas of their lives. We’re not just catching them when they’re critically sick in the ICU—we’re looking at all components of their life—diet, obesity, lifestyle changes and more.

I wanted to stay in the South because I know the unique challenges certain demographics face, and I wanted to be here to help them.”

Dr. Singhapakdi

Huntsville Hospital’s new pediatric heart center provides top-notch care. Check it out.

Q: What inspires you every day?

Staff at pediatric heart center at Huntsville Hospital
Your child will feel right at home with the fun decor + smiling faces at Huntsville Hospital’s pediatric heart center. (Lacey Muenstermann / Hville Blast)

You don’t have to be around Dr. Caicedo and Dr. Singhapakdi for long to realize that they are passionate about what they do. Check out what inspires them to go to work every day:

“I speak Spanish, English and French, and I’ve really enjoyed connecting with the Hispanic population here and helping children from the outskirts of the Huntsville area.

I also love to see the smiles on the faces of families and hear how grateful they are for the new center. They are so happy about the time we put into decorating it and the new machines and technology that we have here.”

Dr. Caicedo

“What motivates me is getting to know the kids. I want to know kind of what their dreams are, but also what keeps them from it, or what I can do to help them.

Being in cardiology specifically allows me to be in many different parts of their life and aware of things we take for granted—such as the ability to go out and walk to get your heart healthier. But, you need to be aware of the patient’s situation. Sometimes they may not live in a neighborhood that’s safe for them to go out and walk.

I like finding out those details to come up with solutions, like suggesting the YMCA or other local spots with treadmills.”

Dr. Singhapakdi

Q: What are the great things Huntsville Hospital’s pediatric heart center offers?

The friendly staff at Huntsville Hospital's pediatric heart center.
The friendly staff at Huntsville Hospital’s pediatric heart center. (Lacey Muenstermann / Hville Blast)

Huntsville Hospital’s new pediatric heart center is one of only two in the Rocket City. Check out some of the unique features the facility offers:

“We have advanced diagnostic tools for kids with congenital heart diseases. We also have new echo machines, Holter monitors and treadmills to do stress tests.”

Dr. Caicedo

“One of the biggest advanatges our facility offers is access for all of North Alabama. Huntsville is a city we all know is growing and blossoming, and with that comes a greater need for this kind of care.

In fact, one in 100 babies are born with congenital heart disease. So with an exploding population, we have an exploding need, and I don’t see any reason why a child has to travel three hours in any direction to seek care. We’re here to fill the gap.”

Dr. Singhapakdi

Check out Huntsville Hospital’s new pediatric heart center.

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Lacey Muenstermann
Lacey Muenstermann
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