Pediatric health care ER in Huntsville one of 4 new high-dollar projects in North Alabama

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Wellstone Behavioral Health is building a mental health ER for kids. (Chapman Sisson)

Of the 13 new building permits for high-dollar projects in Alabama issued this week, four of them are in North Alabama — two in Huntsville, one in Madison and one in Decatur.

One of those projects is the highly anticipated mental health care ER for kids. Here’s more info about that project and more in the Huntsville area.

Wellstone Behavioral Health Pediatric ER

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Wellstone Beavioral Health’s pediatric ER is one of the new high-dollar projects in the Huntsville area. (Chapman Sisson)

WellStone is building an urgently needed inpatient mental health care center for children, the first facility of its kind in North Alabama. Ground was broken on the new facility Friday.

More on these new high-dollar projects

Thanks to our friends at Southern Exposure Information, we have the list of all new million-dollar-plus construction permits approved in Alabama last week. Each week, they pull together information from new building permits issued to get all the details on these projects. You can get access to all of their construction permits right here.

Here’s this week’s list of high-dollar building permits issued in the Huntsville area:

CityBuilderOwner of ProjectProject AddressProject StateAmount
06/21/2023DecaturHardco IncDecatur Morgan Hospital Decatur Campus1201 7th St SEAL$1,200,000
06/21/2023HuntsvilleThe Robins & Morton Group IncJim Flowers1000 Glenn Hearn Blvd SWAL$13,337,932
06/21/2023HuntsvilleFite ConstructionWellstone Inc4020 Memorial Parkway SWAL$8,807,606
06/22/2023MadisonVenture Construction CompanyOwner Not Listed121 Outfield DriveAL$2,773,020

Past Permits

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Last week’s permits for high-dollar projects included the solar projects at the Toyota plant in Huntsville. (PR Newswire)

In case you may have missed any of our previous reports on building permits issued for high-dollar projects in Alabama, here are some of our reports from the last several weeks:

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Michael Seale
Michael Seale
Articles: 1670