4 new yard sales to browse this weekend in the Huntsville area

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There’s no shopping experience quite like a good yard sale or garage sale. (Yard Sales via Facebook)

This weekend (which may be a long weekend for some of you as we lead into the 4th of July), those of you who are looking for some great deals and unique finds that only a cool yard/garage sale can provide are in luck.

That’s because several yard sales and estate sales are happening throughout the weekend in and around Huntsville. You just have to know where to find them. And we are going to help you:

Yard sales in the Huntsville area this weekend

Here’s a list of some of the yard sales in the Huntsville area this weekend, and some information about each:

  • 920 Weatherly Rd SE, Huntsville, AL: June 30-July 1, 7AM-1PM. New Vision Pentecostal Church is hosting this yard sale, that features a mix of items, including clothing for 50 cents per item.
  • 2700 Churchill Dr SE, Huntsville, AL: July 1, 8AM-12PM. This Saturday sale features clothing, artwork, kitchen items and more.
  • 2301 Meadowbrook Dr SW, Huntsville, AL: June 30-July 1, 8AM-5PM. The Clarkston Square Community Yard sale includes furniture, clothes (both men’s and women’s), home decor and household items.
  • Gault Ave S, Fort Payne, AL: June 29-30, 8AM-5PM. There will be some incredible furniture at this moving sale, including a 6-piece bedroom suite, wine display and storage case with cabinet and so much more.

Get on our yard sale radar

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Get your yard sale listed on Hville Blast! (Michael Seale/Hville Blast)

If you are having a yard sale or estate sale and want us to list it here, feel free to email us and give us all of the details — day, time, address, featured items, etc. — and we will include it!

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Michael Seale
Michael Seale
Articles: 1658