5 new high-dollar building permits in North Alabama

Reading time: 2 minutes

new building permits
Five of the new building permits issued statewide for high-dollar projects are in North Alabama. (Michael Seale/Hville Blast)

This past week saw 15 new building permits issued statewide for construction projects exceeding $1 million, with five of those new permits for projects in North Alabama.

Four of the projects are in Huntsville and one is a Decatur project. Here’s what we know:

More on these new building permits

Thanks to our friends at Southern Exposure Information, we have the list of all of the new million-dollar-plus construction projects approved in Alabama last week. Each week, they pull together information from building permits issued to get all the details on these projects. You can get access to all of their construction permits right here.

Here are the new high-dollar building permits in North Alabama this week:

DateCityBuilderOwner of ProjectProject AddressAmount
12/14/2023DecaturFite ConstructionLLC Nucor Steel913 Maero Street NW$2,075,567
12/14/2023HuntsvilleFite ConstructionHuntsville Madison Co Airport2842 Wall Triana Highway SW$1,889,413
12/14/2023HuntsvilleFite ConstructionHuntsville Madison Co Airport2842 Wall Triana Highway SW$1,889,413
12/14/2023HuntsvilleFite ConstructionHuntsville Madison Co Airport2842 Wall Triana Highway SW$1,889,413
12/14/2023HuntsvilleDPR Construction IncAustin Tate499 Boeing Blv SW Unit 48-18$15,040,855

Past permits in Alabama

building permits
A new Slim Chickens location was one of the new building permits issued last week in North Alabama. (Dana Price)

In case you may have missed previous reports on high-dollar building projects in Alabama, here are reports from the previous several weeks:

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Michael Seale
Michael Seale
Articles: 1673